sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013


Publicado em 11/05/2012

Blonde, little Blonde
Tonico and Tinoco

Come back to me dear / I want all your affection
See your eyes as they are crying / Beautiful blonde comes into my arms
Blonde, little Blonde / Gold Hair
Dance with me / And stop crying
Blonde, little Blonde / Gold Hair
Dance with me / And stop crying

Beautiful blonde like the flower of the field / Your charms are natural
Two hearts that love each other / Ai beats the two always the same
Blonde, litlle blonde ....

Oh dear I love you so much / I'm coming back into your arms
To make our union / Oh forever you and me
Blonde, little blonde .....

Caipira, o Ser mais poderoso da Criação. (Hillbilly, the most powerful Being of Creation.)

Rosinha - A namorada do Chico Bento. Ela sempre veste um tipo de vestido vermelho de quermesse, um par de maria-chiquinhas e não costuma andar descalça. Adora ir às quermesses com Chico, mas odeia seus constantes atrasos. (Little Rose - Chico Bento's girlfriend. She always wears a kind of red queremesse dress, a pair of pigtails and doesn't usually go barefoot. He loves going to parties with Chico, but hates his constant delays.)

O caipira velho está picando o fumo de forma correta enquanto que o caipira novo, como sempre, picando o fumo de forma errada, mas... sem "bicho de pé" nem "barriga d´água". (The old hillbilly is stinging the smoke correctly, while the new hillbilly, as usual, stinging the smoke in the wrong way, but ... without "standing bug" or "water belly".)

 "Caipira picando fumo". ("Hillbilly chopping smoke")
"(...) In quadrangle formed by the cities of Campinas, Piracicaba, Botucatu and Sorocaba, in the middle Tietê River, the hillbilly has undergone many transformations, which was influenced by the massive Italian immigration to the coffee farms. But the rustic, turn aculturou the immigrant, both in this region and in the region of Santo Amaro, in the capital, where German immigrants soon after independence eventually known as "hillbilly German Santo Amaro."

In the northern region of São Paulo (Campinas to Igarapava) settled in the early nineteenth century, the presence of migrants from Minas Gerais was great, giving another characteristic to the region. Since the west of São Paulo, the recent colonization (early twentieth century), has emerged with the presence Italian, Japanese, mining and northeastern, also forming a very different culture of the oldest regions of São Paulo. (...)"

Tinoquinho & Thony. Posted. April 3, 2011.

Little brunette beautiful
Tonico and Tinoco

My heart is trodden
Like the flower that withers and falls
Stepped by contempt
Of love when you go
Leaving the sad memory
Goodbye never again

Beautiful little brunette of my well wish
It's sad to miss you away

Love is born alone
No need to plant
Passion is born in the chest
Farsity in the gaze
You were born for another
I was born to love you

Beautiful little brunette of my well wish
It's sad to miss you away

I have my canary
Who sings when he sees me
I sing because I'm sad
Canary, for suffering
Missing the forest
I miss you

Beautiful little brunette of my well wish
It's sad to miss away from you
CERVEJA CREMOSA (CREAMY BEER). Germany - German Pilsner - 5.5% ABV. Hacker Pschorr Weissbeir is naturally cloudy, full-flavored and refreshing.

Posted em 16/08/2011

On the Defender of the Fatherland Day, Vladimir Putin laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

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