quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of Brazil : VIDIMUS*

General of the Army High Command is received on 6th GAC
Rio Grande, Brasil, 23 de Maio de 2013, Quinta-Feira.

General Jose Carlos De Nardi made ​​an inspection visit to the 6th Field Artillery Group.


Posted on 10/10/2011
Institutional Video of the 6th Field Artillery Group, located in Rio Grande-RS.

General, caminhe bastante [Chui ao Oiapoque], vou acompanhá-lo.
* A vidimus (Latin vidimus, "we saw [the act to certify]") is the certified copy of an earlier act. It is  said that the act is vidimé. Are frequent acts vidimés confirmations established in the advent of a new lord or sovereign, such acts often contain vidimus nested within each other, in which case sometimes called vidimus of vidimus.
Notes and references
    Maria Milagros Cárcel Ortí (ed.) International vocabulary of diplomatic, Valencia, International Commission of diplomatic, 1994, 2nd ed. 1997, p. 35.


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