Россия применила новый вид вооружения в поселке Широкино 22 02 2015 (Russia has adopted a new type of weapon in the village Shirokino February 22, 2015)
Європейські президенти пройшли Маршем гідності по Києву (European presidents marched dignity in Kyiv)
Сообщение 22 Февраль 2015. Президенти та урядовці декількох європейських держав разом із українським президентом Петром Порошенком очолили Марш гідності в Києві, який вулицями пройшов, де відбувалися головні події Революції Гідності. До ходи долучилися десятки тисяч киян, вона завершилася на Майдані молебнем на вшанування Небесної сотні та українських вояків, загиблих на сході держави.
LIVE: Putin lays flowers at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Russian President Vladimir is due to lay flowers to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow on February 23, on the day the country celebrates the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
"Captain Antonio Domitian Square"
[Flores cravos vermelhas também servem, mas prefiro rosas vermelhas. (Red carnations flowers also serves, but I prefer red roses.)]
Ukraine War 2015. Heavy Clashes And Fighting Continues in Shyrokyne
Footage: AZOV MAR - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIxP... Azov regiment and chechen volunteer fighters during heavy clashes in Shyrokyne. On 10 February, following Mariupol's exposed vulnerability due to the rocket attack, the National Guard and the Azov Battalion launched an offensive on the town of Novoazovsk.(...)
Shyrokyne, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
47.096107 N, 37.809613 E
Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
At the end of the morning of Friday, February 20 Pope Francis received in audience in the Vatican Clementine Hall the Ukrainian bishops visiting "ad limina". The Pope gave them first of all welcome stressing that the Successor of Peter has always welcomed with fraternal friendship Ukrainian brothers, heirs of the Holy Apostles of the Slavs Cyril and Methodius, and now especially conscious of their problems which are not few and also their pastoral programs.
You you meet the Pope said, in a situation of serious conflict, which is the drag on for several months and continues to claim many innocent lives and causing great suffering to the entire population:
"I am particularly close to you with my prayers for the dead and for all who are affected by violence, with the prayer to the Lord to give as before peace, and its invitation to all parties to the agreements are applied achieved together and to respect the principle of international law; in particular, to be observed the truce signed recently and are implemented all other commitments, which are the condition to prevent the resumption of hostilities. "
What is important, the Pope continued, is to listen carefully to the voices coming from the territory and the people entrusted to your pastoral care, for listening to the people you ye shall spokesmen of their values, such as the meeting, collaboration, ability to resolve disputes, in a nutshell, the pursuit of peace possible. He added to be aware that locally they are heirs of two traditions, the Eastern tradition and Latin, which have understood each other.
The Pope continued reaffirming the national level, they have the right to disclose, even in common, their thinking about their destinies, not to promote a specific policies, but to indicate and reaffirm the values that make up the coagulant element of society Ukrainian, persevering in relentless pursuit of harmony and common good, even in the face of serious and complex difficulties, adding:
"The Holy See is at your side, even in international fora, to understand your rights, your concerns and the righteous gospel values that motivate you."
Then the Pope spoke of the crisis in the country could have serious repercussions on family life and the formation of a small group of people who have enriched themselves enormously at the expense of the vast majority of citizens. The presence of such a phenomenon, the Pope observed, inquinou greatly also public institutions and generated an evil poverty in a generous and rich land. And the Pope encouraged the bishops to not get tired of making gifts to their fellow citizens considerations suggested by the faith and pastoral responsibility, and to make themselves defenders of the families, the poor, the unemployed, the weak, the sick, the elderly pensioners, the disabled, and displaced people. And also encouraged them to renew their zeal to proclaim the Gospel in Ukrainian society and to support each other with effective collaboration, which means, he explained, pray and work for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, and means at the same time look carefully the formation of clergy, religious men and women.
Pope Francisco also faced the issue of the relationship between them as Ukrainian episcopate. It is indisputable, said the fact that both dioceses, (that of Greek Catholics and Latinos) are Catholic and Ukrainian, even in the diversity of rites and traditions, but does not hurt to hear that there are misunderstandings between them, the Pope said urging again the bishops to find if receiving routes each other and support generously in their apostolic labors. And stressed that "the unity of the episcopate, as well as giving a good witness to God's people, also gives an invaluable service to the Nation on the cultural and social level and, above all, in the spirit world: "As many Greek-Catholics as Latinos are children of the Catholic Church, also in your land for a long period of time, was submitted to martyrdom. The blood of your witnesses is another reason that will carry you to a true communion of hearts. Rooted in the Catholic communion, you may take forward with faith and patience also the ecumenical commitment, to grow unity and cooperation among all Christians. "
Then the Pope Francisco recommended to the Ukrainian bishops greater presence and closeness to the priests and the faithful, and to be particularly vigilant and attentive to the poor, which he considered his wealth. . And ended invoking the intercession of so many martyrs and saints Ukrainians. "May the maternal protection of the Virgin Mary reassure you on your way to meet Christ who comes, strengthening your intentions of communion and collaboration," the Pope concluded, asking for prayers and granting a special Apostolic Blessing to them, the Communities and dear people of Ukraine (BS).
Gold - The yellow color in the dark forces to do good to the poor and to defend their masters, fighting for them until the end of their forces.
Martlets sable - heráltica Ave that is without feet or beak, put profile, in black, indicating the vanquished enemies in battle and symbolically show the simplicity, wisdom, science and honestidde.
Saltire - five moving parts position, based on the field in the form of quotation mark.
Усі Збройні Сили України єдині у захисті Батьківщини та підпорядковуються виключно Генеральному штабові Збройних Cил України (All Armed Forces of Ukraine united in protecting the homeland and under the exclusive direction of General Staff of the Armed Forces Ukraine)
1 годину тому | ID: 7771 | Переглядів: 159
Інформація, оприлюднена в ЗМІ, щодо підписання «Меморандуму про створення координаційного штабу добровольчого руху» окремими підрозділами, що входять до Збройних Сил України, не відповідає дійсності. Командири низки батальйонів, а саме «Айдар», 20-го, 37-го та 40-го батальйонів, що нібито увійшли до цього штабу, уже спростували дану інформацію.
Нагадаємо, що сьогодні на деяких Інтернет-ресурсах з`явилася інформація про те, що певні батальйони, які виконують бойові завдання на сході нашої держави, створюють альтернативний «генеральний штаб» та уже підписали відповідний Меморандум. Командирів цих підрозділів обурила така явна брехня та вони невдовзі після цього за допомогою соціальних мереж почали спростовувати оприлюднену інформацію.
Це не перший фейк, який створено тими, хто воює по ту сторону інформаційної війни з Україною і направлений на деморалізацію особового складу та створення панічних настроїв у суспільстві.
Наголошуємо, що усі військові частини Збройних сил України, які наразі знаходяться у зоні проведення Антитерористичної операції, підпорядковуються виключно Генеральному штабові Збройних Сил України.
Структура Генерального Штабу Структура Генерального штабу Збройних Сил України станом на 21.07.2014 року Начальник Генерального штабу - Головнокомандувач Збройних Сил України
(The structure of the General Staff
The structure of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 7/21/2014, the Chief of General Staff - Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) http://www.mil.gov.ua/ministry/struktura-generalnogo-shtabu/
Afrika ülkelerinin Boko Haram'a karşı savaşı sürüyor
Postado 18 de fevereiro 2015. It takes the fight against Boko Haram African countries. Nigerian military, with the last held operation, more than 300 militants were killed, has announced that it is taken back control of the 11 towns. Operations are focused on the border with Cameroon, Nigeria case Fotokol town. The reason for the commander explains Cameroonian Belthus Kwena:(...)
Eu me divirto com esses "animais"[I]. (I have fun WITH THESE "ANIMALS"[I].)