quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2015

"Ukraine War - A man is defending Lenin monument in occupied Slavyansk from demolition"

Posted January 13, 2015.

13 January, 15:07
Russian Army gets new weapons
army, military, air force

In 2015, the Russian Army will receive a series of caterpillar propulsion platforms and other military equipment designed and produced entirely in Russia.

In February, the Armata caterpillar propulsion platform will be displayed. This device will be shown to citizens on May 9, during the military parade of Victory. The Armata may form the basis for many types of armored cars. Furthermore, combating module is not fixed, so that a tank can be transformed into another type of armored car if necessary.

Experts of the military state that this platform can match the concept of military equipment fifth generation.

Other outstanding projects are Kurganets caterpillar propulsion platform and the Boomerang wheeled platform.

Read more: http://portuguese.ruvr.ru/news/2015_01_13/exercito-russo-recebe-novos-armamentos-2297/

Командующий ВДВ Владимир Шаманов испытал БМД-4М
Сообщение 7 Февраль 2013
Боевая машина, которая надежно защищает экипаж и десант, умеет плавать, вести огонь на ходу с идеальной точностью - все это модернизированная БМД-4. Инженеры и специалисты Курганского машиностроительного завода доводят эту уникальную технику до совершенства.



1996 Empress 2 / 18- Leopoldina, Empress Of Brazil
September 7, 2011.

He crossed the sea
Fearing the invasion of Portugal
Arriving here, the entire Royal Family
Time passed
Pedro had to marry
And of Austria, the chosen,
Carolina Josefa Leopoldina
Clear, Vienna
In a rare spectacle of color
By the will of the king
Marialva the Marquis
Europe dazzled
Vienna brightens
The engagement took place
Diamonds are present
Along with a rich medallion
What fascinates Leopoldina
That house by proxy (back and forth)

And from there to here
Only sky and sea ... and hope (bis)
Eldorado find
Heaven ... and boom

After leaving, his gaze was enchanted
Beautiful dawn, fauna and flora
Reveals the love for this floor
And Peter, in a letter urges
Independence of our nation (Here comes the root)

O o o there is root
The Empress Leopoldina is (a)
It's carnival, samba is true
I am proud to be Brazilian


To trench.

Um comentário:

  1. Olá! Emerson,
    Foi difícil, mas eu te achei.
    Pode entrar em contato comigo por e-mail (lupradobr@yahoo.com.br) ou telefone.
    Luciana (Atibaia)
