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CATS - DONKEYS - NEWS 21.06.2014 (13:36)
Министр обороны России генерал армии Сергей Шойгу приказал провести внезапную проверку войск и сил Центрального военного округа
(06/21/2014 (13:36)
Russian Defense Minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu ordered a sudden inspection of troops and forces of the Central Military District)

["...Gerasimov is "responsible for mass sending of Russian troops along the border with Ukraine and the refusal to reduce tension."

"Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation decided to conduct a comprehensive review of sudden alert all members of the Central Military District. In accordance with its order today from 11:00 (MSK) troops of the Central Military District, as well as the military units stationed on its territory, given the embattled "Full", - said Russian Defense Minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu during service meeting held in the Russian Defense Ministry.
Russian Defense Minister said that "the Supreme Commander of the task: during the first day to check the temporary regulations and the ability of troops to carry out activities set level of combat readiness. Later troops will be withdrawn on the grounds, where they will be held in accordance with the teachings of destiny. " Defense Minister instructed to "work in the audit: planning application grouping of troops; advance troops in a combined way over long distances; deployment of management and logistical support. " "verification exercise from 21 to 28 June. To carry out these activities, the General Staff to prepare appropriate orders troops "- ordered the defense minister. Russian Defense Minister ordered the Commander of Land Forces, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukova during sudden checks "to organize the control actions of the military administration 41st and 2nd Army CVO and bringing them into combat readiness and preparation for the implementation of assigned tasks.
"Gen. Sergei Shoigu also ordered to "conduct exercises with 41 army in which to evaluate the combat training of personnel, coordination of their actions and the ability to manage the subordinate commanders when performing combat training missions." "Air Force Commander to exercise control of air operations of the 2nd Air Force Command and relocation of air defense airfields operational designation, as well as in the course of combat training tasks, including issues with working practice bombing and refueling "- ordered Gen. Sergei Shoigu. Russian Defense Minister ordered the commander of the Airborne Forces Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov "redeploy aircraft Military Transport Aviation 98th Airborne Division trip to Ivanovo permanent deployment in the Chelyabinsk region at a distance of 1.5 thousand kilometers from dropping paratroopers on Chebarkulsky landfill." At the request of the head of the military department, The audit reports should be provided daily. Russian Defense Minister emphasized the "strict adherence to safety, preservation of arms and ammunition" during the verification activities.
"Exclude cases of damage to agricultural land, state, municipal, private property, take measures to prevent negative impacts on the environment," - said Gen. Sergei Shoigu. "Returning troops in places of permanent deployment to be completed by July 1," - ordered the Army General Sergei Shoigu. Russian Defense Minister also ordered the chief of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation Sergey Koshelev "inform military attaches of foreign countries on the ongoing sudden comprehensive inspection of combat readiness." Defense Minister recalled that "the troops of the Central Military District from June 16 works complex MoD commission headed by the Chief of the General Staff. " According to him, "the first stage of the commission studied the real situation in the district and assessed daily business activities."
"June 20 launched the second phase. During his readiness checks, as well as holding special tactical and tactical exercises of some troops and units of the district. Yesterday, the alarm had been raised 28 th and 35 th Motorized Rifle Brigade ", - said Russian Defense Minister, adding that" currently under control to bring them to the higher level of combat readiness. " Army Gen. Sergei Shoigu ordered Army Gen. Valery Gerasimov bring problems with the organization of a sudden check. "To check will be attracted over 65 thousand personnel, about 5.5 thousand units of weapons and equipment, more than 180 aircraft and 60 helicopters," - reported to Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces - First Deputy Russian Defense Minister Gen. Valery Gerasimov. During the inspection Gen. Valery Gerasimov proposed a "level check troop training to perform assigned tasks during firing and control activities; strengthening aviation group; use of airborne forces; drawing application groupings landfills Central Military District. " In order organized and quality inspection tasks sudden Chief of General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov gave instructions several officials. commander of the CVO Colonel-General Vladimir Zarudnitskomu tasked to "bring the troops in the embattled district "Full" with the restrictions and prepare them for the assigned tasks.
Conduct exercises with 2 and 41 armies, whose logging to march in a combined way to destination areas, to develop training and combat tasks in landfills "Jurga", "Totskoe" and "CHebarkulskij." Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces ordered the Commander of Land Forces, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukova, together with the officers of the Main Operational management and control of operational training "exercise control action 2nd and 41st armies; form working groups to prepare and conduct exercises with the 41 th Army CVO, create relevant headquarters management and ensure its work at the site "Yurginskij." Army Gen. Valery Gerasimov set the task of Commander Air Force Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev "form working groups for training and supervision of practical actions Aviation 2nd Air Force Command and Air Defence during the execution of combat training tasks, including issues with working practice bombing, refueling in the air. " Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces also set tasks Commander of the Airborne Forces General Colonel Vladimir Shamanov for the transfer of soldiers VDV in the Chelyabinsk region for landing.
"Bring the command of the 38th Regiment of individual communications, the 98th Airborne Division, the 31-th separate air Commando Brigade Airborne embattled" Full "with the established restrictions prepare them for the assigned tasks. In cooperation with the command of the military transport aviation implement dropping airborne forces at the site "CHebarkulskij" - ordered Gen. Valery Gerasimov. Moreover, the commander of military transport aircraft ordered "to ensure planned troop transport air transport and air assault landing."
Chief of General Management combat training of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Ivan Buvaltsevu tasked with the organization of supervision sessions with the troops, to involve, as well as the drawing tactical episodes county landfills. Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Army General Valery Gerasimov also ordered the chief of the Main Directorate of the Armed Forces Major General Khalil Arslanov Deployment communication system for command and control during the inspection, providing information output from landfills, and control points in the Situation Room associations National Center for Control of Defense. Commander in Chief of the Army, Air Force, Commander of the Airborne Forces and Military transport aircraft, as well as the chief of the National Center for defense management were handed packets with relevant directives.
Map: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/mo-md.htm
Combat Ready Alert: Putin orders surprise drills in Central Military District
Posted 06/21/2014
Over 65,000 of Russia´s troops in the Central Military District have been put on alert to verify troops' combat-readiness massive war games of all branches of the armed forces.
Central Military District:

Nas minhas costas, FIGUEIRA BRAVA.
Alunos da Escola "Coronel João Ernesto Figueiredo", the NUMBER 1. Sou professor de Sociologia e História nesta escola.

Você acha que vou subir nesta árvore?
De jeito maneira.
Alunos e o monumento com o desenho da prison (1895).
Ver, "Cagada" ou "Prison":
Não subo nesta FIGUEIRA BRAVA nem me pagando!
Se escorregar quebra o pescoço...
...Deus me livre... Subo nada!
Música Funk-Pancadão.
"Favela", escrito no boné de ex-aluno. ("Slum", written in the cap alumnus.)
Slums exist in every country and have become a global phenomenon. A UN-Habitat report states that in 2006 there were nearly 1 billion people settling in slum settlements in most cities of Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and a smaller number in the cities of Europe and North America. In 2012, according to UN-Habitat, about 863 million people in the developing world lived in slums.

Combat Ready Alert: Putin orders surprise drills in Central Military District
Over 65,000 of Russia´s troops in the Central Military District have been put on alert to verify troops' combat-readiness massive war games of all branches of the armed forces.
Central Military District:

Generalissimo (Italian), Generalísimo (Spanish), and Generalissimus are military ranks of the highest degree, superior to Field Marshal and other five-star ranks.
theater | 3,000,000–10,000,000 | generalissimo commander-in-chief |
The biggest killers of all time: ÉMER NOGUEIRA
Aluna com os filhos.
Uma parte da família Nogueira indo para a Praça Central.
Ver, "Cagada" ou "Prison":
Slums exist in every country and have become a global phenomenon. A UN-Habitat report states that in 2006 there were nearly 1 billion people settling in slum settlements in most cities of Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and a smaller number in the cities of Europe and North America. In 2012, according to UN-Habitat, about 863 million people in the developing world lived in slums.
Photos in Fujifilm FinePix SL310.
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