SOCIOLOGIA: pesquisa de campo de 2013 ( 1 trabalho concluso) e de 2014 (3 trabalhos conclusos) realizados pelos(as) alunos(as) das 1º séries do ensino médio...


Nogueira "fotógrafo".
Ver, Nogueira:

Os(As) alunos(as) acharam a "prison" (1895) - cube.
Pubblicato 28/05/2012
If posed on his head,
Birdie is all party.
It was there that wanted to fly
Birdie the bedpan.
If landed on his shoulders,
the bird if it itches ... wings.
It was there that wanted to fly
Birdie the bedpan.
Si landed on his chest,
Birdie licks the tip.
It was there that wanted to fly
Birdie the bedpan.
If landed on its belly,
Finch wants to do a dance.
It was there that wanted to fly
Birdie the bedpan.
If you landed on your feet,
Finch now sits.
It was there that wanted to fly
Birdie the bedpan.
If you landed on the knee,
the bird blinks his eye.
It was there that wanted to fly
Birdie the bedpan.
If you landed on the leg,
Finch danced the samba.
It was there that wanted to fly
Birdie the bedpan.
At this point
what have you done
in place of the bedpan?
The midwife, a shrewd woman
took it with her fingers
and put him in the cage.
Birdie console now!

(follow links)

Ver, pesquisa de campo - 2014:
Ver, pesquisa de campo - 2013:

Que isso?!?! Alunos(as) da escola "Coronel".

Já chega na escola que ficam me perturbando, agora aqui na pracinha também! Fazer o quê né!
Thousands take to the streets for the republic after the resignation of the King of Spain
TV Estadão | 06/02/2014
The King of Spain, Juan Carlos, abdicated the throne on Monday, 2 in Madrid, after 39 years of reign. Immediately after the announcement, crowds gathered in cities across the country in protest against the monarchy and calling for the proclamation of the republic.

El Patrimonio Nacional de España muestra, el viernes (6), la corona y el cetro real, símbolo de la monarquía española, que estuvieron presentes en la ceremonia de coronación del rey Felipe VI Javier Lizon / EFE. Lea más en: http://zip.net/brnBGM

Foto: http://profemernogueira.blogspot.com.br/2014/01/apito-portugal.html
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