Maria Gaetana Agnesi ( Milan , May 16, 1718 - Milan , January 9, 1799 ) was a linguist , philosopher and Italian mathematics. Agnesi wrote the first book that dealt with both the differential and integral calculus . Wrote in Latin the work " Propositiones philosophicae " ( Philosophical Propositions ) , published in Milan in 1738 ; but what was notable was his deep and clear compendium of algebraic and infinitesimal analysis in the work Instituzioni Analitiche ( Analytical Institutions ) , translated into English and French .
The book was beyond the topics discussed on philosophy and celestial mechanics and Newton's theory of gravity . For a decade , Agnesi wrote a two-volume work : the first , with more than a thousand pages , was arithmetic , algebra , trigonometry , analytic geometry and calculus , differential equations and the second covered . It was the first work that brought the ideas of Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz 1 . It is also the author of the " curve of Agnesi " . He died in an institution for the elderly in Milan, called Pio Albergo Trivulzio . Born in Milan in 1718 , coming from a wealthy and cultured. His father , Pietro Agnesi , had three and twenty children with his three wives , Mary being the eldest . Pietro was able to offer the best tutors to Mary so she could have a privileged upbringing . Thus , gave him a private exquisite education, which enabled him to acquire deep knowledge in several areas , which was not usual ladies that century .

Em matemática, a curva de Agnesi, atribuída a Maria Gaetana Agnesi, é uma curva estudada por Agnesi em 1748 no seu livro Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana.
A curva tem a seguinte descrição: Fixada uma circunferência, toma-se um ponto O nela. De qualquer outro ponto A da circunferência, traça-se a secante OA. Seja M o ponto diametralmente oposto a O. A intersecção entre a reta OA e a reta tangente à circunferência no ponto M é o ponto N. Por A, traça-se uma reta paralela a MN, e por N uma reta paralela a OM. Seja P a interseção entre essas duas retas. O caminho que P faz ao variarmos A é a chamada curva de Agnesi.
Pubblicato 01/01/2011
Michael Corleone's transformation - The Godfather

Giant - Town of John - State Saint Paul - Brazil

Photos: http://profemernogueira.blogspot.com.br/2014/04/velorio-e-enterro-jose-alberti-nogueira.html


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