Крым не рад националистам: на полуострове началась
["monkeys-shit"... huu.. huhuu...huu...huhuu]
Wall Street Journal. Posted Feb. 27, 2014. Russian forces began exercises on Thursday, as armed pro-Russia activists took over the Crimean parliament building and fugitive former Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych released a defiant statement. Via The Foreign Burea, WSJ's global news update.
26 Februare

President Vladimir Putin put 150,000 Russian combat troops on high alert for war games near Ukraine on Wednesday, the Kremlin’s boldest gesture yet after days of sabre rattling since its ally Viktor Yanukovich was toppled as president in Kiev.
Moscow denied that the previously unannounced drill in the western military district near Ukraine was linked to events in its neighbour but it came amid a series of increasingly strident statements about the fate of Russian citizens and interests.

[NEWS TOURISM]Treasures of the Kremlin show three hundred years the "aesthetics of power" of the Tsars
27 Feb 2014 - 13:57
Uma exposição com um conjunto 66 tesouros da coleção do Kremlin de Moscovo, que inclui joias, tecidos e armas, vai ser hoje inaugurada, às 18:30, no Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, em Lisboa.



27 de Fevereiro, 2014Navio de guerra americano atraca em Lisboa (U.S. warship docks in Lisbon)

U.S. Marines Board the USS Bataan (LHD 5) at Naval Station Norfolk
Posted 09/23/2013
Naval Station Norfolk:
USS Bataan (LHD 5):

in Stool in Square "João José Baptista Nogueira" - TOWN OF JOHN -STATE SAINT PAUL - BRAZIL
photomontage: http://profemernogueira.blogspot.com.br/2014/01/apito-portugal.html
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