President prepares defense policy strategy for the worsening crisis after plea bargaining owner of UTC, Ricardo Pessoa
THE CONTENT ESTADÃO 27/06/2015 - 09:31 - Updated 27.06.2015 - 09:33
President Dilma Rousseff called on Friday 26, evening an emergency meeting with ministers at the Alvorada Palace, and prepared the political defense strategy for the worsening crisis after plea bargaining owner of UTC, Ricardo Pessoa. The government estimates that fully lost control of the Operation Lava jet, the Federal Police, and fears that the Person of denunciation acirre the climate of confrontation, but guard as ammunition the names of opponents cited the businessman.
Dilma demanded quick answers from ministers José Eduardo Cardozo (Justice) - which was on the agenda at the Rio when the scandal came to light - Mercadante (Civil House) and Edinho Silva (Social Communication). At night, the three and the special advisor Giles Azevedo were called by it to the meeting in Alvorada, which lasted two hours.
In the diagnosis of the government, the person's testimony is yet another stone in Dilma path, throws light on the financing of the PT campaigns and can raise the impeachment flag.
If this occurs, however, the Presidential Palace already have the road map for the counterattack. Ministers will remember that the businessman presented a list "nonpartisan" donations. According to the magazine Veja, Person said he also transferred funds to campaigns of senators Aloysio Nunes Ferreira (PSDB), Fernando Collor (PTB), Gin Argello (PTB), Edison Lobão (PMDB), Ciro Nogueira (PP) and Benedito Lira (PP), as well as money to deputies from other parties.
Mercadante is now the strongest Minister Dilma and Edinho was the treasurer of the re-election of President committee last year. Both ensure that donations received were legal and registered at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), but the government admits not knowing what lies ahead in the investigations.
The new turmoil comes at a delicate moment, at the height of the gap between Dilma, former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and the PT. In addition, the executive Marcelo Odebrecht, owner of the construction company Odebrecht and also arrested, has ties to Lula, which still causes more apprehension in the Plateau.
"There is no individual exit. The problem is not the PT, is not Dilma. The problem is that they want to criminalize Lula and destroy us, "said the former president, speaking in the third person. Lula will be on Monday in Brasilia to meet with deputies and senators of the PT.
The person's testimony caused so much tension in Plateau that, throughout the day, Dilma fired several times ministers and lawyers. Also asked emissaries talk with the minister's staff of the Supreme Court Teori Zavascki, which approved the plea bargaining Person.
Behind the scenes, president of speakers compared the new crisis to an endless battle. "It's like we're in a war and we could not even count the dead to bury," said a minister to the state, on condition of anonymity. (Pt)

* Emer+son=Son of Elmer. Teutonic origin. FAMOUS FOR WAR.
**Martins is a Spanish surname, patronymic regarded as Martin and Martino, a name that comes from the Latin Martinus Martinici or warlike meaning. Some books consider this name to be short for Mars (the god of war).
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