Russia Starts Kuril Islands Exercises
15:14 05/02/2013
MOSCOW, February 5 (RIA Novosti) - Russia has started large-scale
military exercises in the disputed Kuril Islands in the country's far
east, a military official said on Tuesday.
The Kuril Islands, known to neighboring Japan as the Northern
Territories, are a contentious issue in Russian-Japanese relations. The
exercises are taking place just two days before Japan marks its Northern
Territories Day on February 7.
The exercises have included cooperation between Russian Pacific Fleet
ships, tactical fighter aviation and artillery as well as border guard
personnel based in the islands area, eastern military district spokesman
Alexander Gordeyev told reporters on Tuesday.
“In particular, the exercises will practice a special operation aimed
at helping a vessel in distress in Russian waters,” Gordeyev said. He
did not specifiy which of the islands was involved in the exercises.
Moscow endures the snowiest winter in 100 years
Wed 06 February 2013 08:40 GMT | 6:40 Local Time
216 centimeters of snow have blanketed Moscow since the beginning of winter. Moscow has not witnessed such a snowy winter in the past 100 years,
Deputy Mayor Pyotr Biryukov said on Tuesday, after heavy snowfall hit
the Russian capital last night.
“This is the snowiest winter in 100 years,” Biryukov said, adding that
216 centimeters (85 inches) of snow have blanketed Moscow since the
beginning of winter, which is 1.5 times above climatic norm.
The snowfall, which continued in and around the capital until the early
hours of Tuesday, brought Moscow's traffic to a virtual standstill. The
total length of traffic jams in the city reached 3,500 kilometers
(2,175 miles), which is equal to the distance between Moscow and Madrid.
The snowfall also caused the delay of 155 flights, while 56 planes had
to seek alternative landing sites. Among them was that of Prime Minister
Dmitry Medvedev, which had to land in St. Petersburg due to weather
griffon mine
China se diz preocupada com novas ameaças norte-coreanas