[O'clock Tower of the Church of St. John, the Baptist in Square "Priest Domingos Segurado" and Broad "Saint John" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil.
Mark, in his Gospel, mentions that Jesus was crucified at the third hour (nine o'clock), as the Jewish time "Then they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting them luck, to see what would each . it was the third hour when they crucified him. " (Mark 15: 24-25) and the Gospel of John tells us that the sixth hour (noon) Jesus was still on trial "Now when Pilate said this, he brought Jesus out and sat in court in . Litóstrotos place called, in Hebrew the name is Gabbatha and it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he said unto the Jews, Behold your king. " (John 19: 13,14).
Mark, in his Gospel, mentions that Jesus was crucified at the third hour (nine o'clock), as the Jewish time "Then they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting them luck, to see what would each . it was the third hour when they crucified him. " (Mark 15: 24-25) and the Gospel of John tells us that the sixth hour (noon) Jesus was still on trial "Now when Pilate said this, he brought Jesus out and sat in court in . Litóstrotos place called, in Hebrew the name is Gabbatha and it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he said unto the Jews, Behold your king. " (John 19: 13,14).
Jesus Cristo, vai para o seu lugar! (Jesus Christ, go to your place!)
[Sunday (Lord´s day) 31, March (Mars, Martins) 2024
[Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil]
Clock in the Tower of the Parish of Saint John Baptist.
3 o´clock pm.
Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil
Saturday (Saturn´s day) 06, April 2024
Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)
Os pais querem instalar uma cortina. (Parents want to install a curtain.)
from mezzanine
Varanda - 2º andar (Veranda - 2º floor)
2º andar - Sala/cozinha (2º floor - Living room/kitchen)Norte (North)

- Amanhã vou fechar este buraco. (- Tomorrow I will close this hole.)
Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil
Monday (Moon´s day) 1, April 2024
Dia da mentira (April Fools' Day)
O Dia da Mentira (April Fools' Day), também conhecido como Dia das Mentiras, dia das petas, dia dos tolos (de abril), dia da gafe ou dia dos bobos, é uma celebração anual em alguns países europeus e ocidentais, comemorada em 1 de abril, pregando partidas e espalhando boatos como formas de assinalar a data. Uma delas diz que a brincadeira surgiu na França. Desde o começo do século XVI, o Ano Novo era festejado no dia 25 de março, data que marcava a chegada da primavera. As festas duravam uma semana e terminavam no dia 1.° de abril. (...)
"PHARMACIA SAINT JOHN, located in the square "Priest Domingos Segurado", was built the building to be the residence of Mr. Dr. FELÍCIO FERNANDES NOGUEIRA which was pharmacist, physician and mayor of Town of John[Joanópolis]. The top was his home, the top doctor's office and under PHARMACIA SAINT JOHN. Completed construction in 1929 by Italian stonemasons THOMAZZI, its architectural style is ART DECO. Dr. FELÍCIO was born on November 4, 1900 and died on July 4, 1985 in Saint Barbara d'Oeste SP, it is buried in the municipal cemetery of Town of John[Joanópolis]."
["FERIADO MONUMENTAL (MONUMENTAL HOLIDAY) 8, 9 and 10[11, 12 and 13] [and 14] of June."
Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil
Tuesday (Týr´s day) 2, April 2024
Térreo (Ground floor) - Garage / Cozinha (Kitchen)
former students (ex-alunos)
SEE, intelligentĭa:
Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil
Tuesday (Týr´s day) 2, April 2024
Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)
Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil
Sunday (Lord´s day) 07, April 2024
2º andar - Sala/cozinha (2º floor - Living room/kitchen)
4º andar - Terraço aberto (4th floor - Open terrace)
Squadron's logo when it was VMF-121 on June 24, 1941.
Prof. Sô "GENERAL"
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):
- Por hoje é SÓ! ( - That's it for today, ONLY!)
The 101st Airborne Division ("Screaming Eagles") is an elite modular specialized light infantry division of the US Army. Trained for air assault operations, it has been referred to as "the tip of the spear." It is the most potent and tactically mobile of the U.S. Army's divisions.(...)
Juicy M Club Mix - March 2023
Juicy M. Posted March 14, 2023.
Disco Funky House mix#10 - Back to the 80s #funkyhouse #housemusic #disco #80smusic
KateGroove music. Posted March 30, 2024.
SEE, female djs on youtube.
from mezzanine
Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)
Broad Saint John center of Matriz
April 07, 2024
from 9am to 4pm
Organization: OLD CAR JOURNAL

Beetles and old Cars
of Town of John
Donate 2KG
of food
Mandatory use of masks
No do barbecues
Place: Priest Domingos Segurado square"
Sponsorships (Patrocínios)
[Hitler launches[for me] the 'People's' Car, the beetle-shaped Volkswagen, 26th[or 27th] May 1938. Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. Alamy]
BANDSTAND IN SQUARE "PRIEST DOMINGOS SEGURADO" AND BROAD "SAINT JOHN" - TOWN OF JOHN - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZILphoto in motionSEE, Artificial Intelligence:"sanlimpDANGER. CAUSES SKIN BURNS AND EYE DAMAGE.CONTAINS TIGHTLY ACID PRODUCT - HYDROCHLORIC ACID [CORROSIVE SUBSTANCE].BEFORE USING READ THE LABEL INSTRUCTIONS."Émer of stone.Quaderna partida em azul e vermelho, nas cores heráldicas do Exército [Brasileiro], filetado de prata, representa a formação profissional dos praças, tendo ao centro uma estrela gironada de prata, representa os Estabelecimentos de Ensino. (Quad departure in blue and red, in the heraldic colors of the Army [Brazilian], fillet of silver, represents the professional formation of the squares, having to the center a star gironada of silver, represents the Establishments of Teaching.)monument Émer of stone."Wherever you arethe ESA[Sergeants of Arms School] is alwayswith you.(...)"----////----"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilMonday (Moon´s day) 08, April 20244º andar - Terraço aberto (4th floor - Open terrace)- Hoje o Prof. Sô Émer não vai na escola, torcicolo. (- Today the Prof. Sô Émer doesn't go to school, has a torticollis.)Tablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
SEE, School:2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Through the Eyes of NASA (Telescope Feed)NASA. Stream started 2 hours ago#TotalSolarEclipse #Eclipse #NASA. Watch a telescope feed of a total solar eclipse moving across North America on April 8, 2024, traveling through Mexico, across the United States from Texas to Maine, and exiting North America along Canada’s coast. Weather permitting, we will provide live views of the eclipse from several locations across the eclipse path, including showing the partially eclipsed Sun in different wavelengths of light.A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth and briefly covers the full disk of the Sun. This reveals the Sun’s wispy, white outer atmosphere, called the corona. Weather permitting, people throughout most of North and Central America, including all of the contiguous United States, will be able to view at least a partial solar eclipse.These telescope feeds are provided courtesy of our partners and collaborators. A full list of the telescope locations and providers is coming soon. Review our total solar eclipse safety guidelines: (Northwest)A total solar eclipse occurred on Thursday, May 29, 1919. (Pt) With the duration of totality at maximum eclipse of 6 minutes 50.75 seconds, it was the longest solar eclipse that occurred since May 27, 1416. A longer total solar eclipse would later occur on June 8, 1937. This eclipse was subject to the Eddington experiment, an observational test that first substantiated Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. (...) They were organized under the direction of Sir Frank Watson Dyson. One expedition was led by Sir Arthur Eddington to the island of Príncipe (off the west coast of Africa), the other by Andrew Claude de la Cherois Crommelin and Charles Rundle Davidson to Sobral in Brazil. The stars that both expeditions observed were in the constellation Taurus. (...)"MAKING" MY HOUSESQUARE "PRIEST DOMINGOS SEGURADO" AND BROAD "SAINT JOHN" - TOWN OF JOHN - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZILSob a torre da paróquia de São João Baptista (Under the tower of the parish of Saint John Baptist)
----////----[Saturday(Saturn's day) 24, June 2023Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSquare "Priest Domingos Segurado" and Broad "Saint John"Feast Saint John, the Baptist - anniversary of Town of John(Joanópolis): 145 years]Émer sentado. (...seated)QUENTÃO: mistura originalmente preparada com pinga, gengibre e especiarias. (HOT-GREAT: mixture originally prepared with water burn, ginger and spices.----////----MAKING MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilMonday (Moon´s day) 08, April 2024Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)from mezzanine18:08hMom (Mãe). Troca de cortina, Maior. (Changing curtains, Bigger.)Tablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil10 and 11, April 2023logomark"SCHOOLJOHN ERNEST FIG TREETOWN OF JOHN - SP"BrasilA partir de segunda-feira (08), as escolas da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (Seduc-SP) começam a avaliar o aprendizado de 2,5 milhões de estudantes no primeiro bimestre do ano. A Prova Paulista será aplicada de acordo com o ano ou série até o dia 17 de abril. A Prova Paulista é direcionada aos alunos do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental até a 3ª série do Ensino Médio. (As of Monday (08), the schools of the São Paulo State Department of Education (Seduc-SP) begin to evaluate the learning of 2.5 million students in the first two months of the year. The Paulista Proof will be applied according to the year or series until April 17th. The Prova Paulista is aimed at students from the 5th year of Elementary School to the 3rd year of High School.)8 e 9 de abril - 3ª série do Ensino Médio.10 e 11 de abril - 2ª série do Ensino Médio.12 e 15 de abril - 1ª série do Ensino Médio.(April 8th and 9th – 3rd grade of High School.April 10th and 11th – 2nd grade of High School.April 12th and 15th – 1st grade of High School.)2º E10.04. 1º dia de Prova Paulista:Geografia, História, Língua Inglesa, Língua Portuguesa, Sociologia e específicas. (1st day of Paulista Proof: Geography, History, English Language, Portuguese Language, Sociology and specifics.)11.04. 2º dia de Prova Paulista:Biologia, Química, Física, Matemática e específicas. (2nd day of Paulista Proof: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and specifics.)Tablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
Resultados (Results)"3rd C. Philosophy and Modern Society: Participation 94.6% Correct answers 62.4%3rd C. History: Participation 94.6% Correct answers 45.6% Evolution 1.0%2nd C. Philosophy and Modern Society: Participation 90.5% Correct answers 51.6%2nd C. History: Participation 95.2% Correct answers 37.2% Evolution 12.2%2nd C. Sociology: Participation 95.2% Correct answers 48.7% Evolution 5.3%2nd D. History: Participation 100% Correct answers 53,3% Evolution 20%2nd D. Sociology: Participation 100% Correct answers 58.7% Evolution 22%2nd E. History: Participation 100% Correct answers 58,4% Evolution 25,1%2nd E. Sociology: Participation 100% Correct answers 60,3% Evolution 16%1st D. Philosophy: Participation 93,3% Correct answers 41,2%1st E. Philosophy: Participation 94,3% Correct answers 40,5%"Os resultados do 3º D de História não consta por indisponibilidade no site (The results of the 3rd D of History are not available due to unavailability on the website conversation with Pyak familyVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko[cegonha, (stork), {Бусел}] had a telephone conversation with the large Pyak family, hereditary reindeer herders living in the tundra on Yamal. Yenksya and Zoya Pyak are celebrating 50 years of marriage. The Presidents congratulated them on their golden wedding.Best wishes to the Pyak family were also passed on from the cosmonauts members of the ISS Expedition 21 crew, Oleg Novitsky and Marina Vasilevskaya, who were present during the telephone conversation at the Kremlin.On January 23, 2024, ahead of the launching ceremony of the Year of the Family, the President of Russia met with winners and participants of the national family contests. Back then, Enksya Pyak, head of a large reindeer herder family, said that on April 12 he and his wife Zoya would celebrate the 50th year of their marriage, and invited Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] to celebrate with them.The large Dyachenko family from the LPR, which also attended the meeting with Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] in January, came to visit the Pyak family in Yamal.The Pyak family are the winners of the Family of the Year All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Labour, in the category “Family is the keeper of traditions.”SEE, MY ISS (International Space Station):[Týr's day] March [Mars, Martins] 12, 2024 19:25 [Peter, the Great room]The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with winners of Leaders of Russia competitionVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held a meeting with the winners of the Leaders of Russia[cats] national management competition. (...)January 24, 2024 14:30 [Peter, the Great room]The Kremlin, MoscowTalks with transitional President of Chad Mahamat Idriss Deby[HIPOPPOTAMUS + HYENA + CHEETAH + RHINOCEROS + ... = MIX]October 10, 2023 14:55 [Peter, the Great room]The Kremlin, MoscowRussia-Iraq talksVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met with Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq Muhammed Shia Al-Sudani[persian-GARBAGE], currently on an official visit to Russia. (...)September 28, 2023 15:00 [Peter, the Great room]The Kremlin, MoscowRussia-South Sudan talksVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks at the Kremlin with President of the Republic of South Sudan Salva Kiir[[Cicada(Cigarra)]], now paying an official visit to Russia. (...)May 31, 2023 16:40 [Peter, the Great room]The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki[camel face]March[Martins] 20, 2023 21:00 [Peter, the Great room]The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with President of People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping[frog-YELLOW]March[Martins] 15, 2023 17:20 [Peter, the Great room] The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad[persian-GARBAGE]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met with President of the [MY] Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad[persian-GARBAGE] in the Kremlin.(...)November 28, 2022 17:25 [Peter, the Great room] The Kremlin, MoscowRussian-Kazakhstani[squirrel eater] talksNovember 22, 2022 16:10 [Peter, the Great room] The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez[tick(carrapato)]October 25, 2022 14:55 [Peter, the Great room] The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo[HIPOPPOTAMUS + CROCODILE + BIRDIES + TURTLE + ... = MIX]July[Gaius Julius Caesar] 7, 2022 17:40 [Peter, the Great room] The Kremlin, MoscowFebruary 24, 2022 17:00 [Peter, the Great room] The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan[ہارن عظیم (Horn Great)Markhur]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met at the Kremlin with Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan[ہارن عظیم (Horn Great)Markhur], who is in Russia on a working visit.(...)February 18, 2022 16:25 The Kremlin, MoscowRussian-Belarusian talksVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held a meeting with President of theRepublic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko[cegonha, (stork), {Бусел}]at the Kremlin. (...)February 16, 2022 16:50 The Kremlin, MoscowTalks with President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro[Thief, Suck-Ass and Gossip]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks in the Kremlin with President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro[Thief, Suck-Ass and Gossip], who is in Russia on an official visit.December 16, 2021 14:50 The Kremlin, MoscowTalks with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh[mongo]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks in the Kremlin with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh[mongo], who has come to Russia on a working visit.4:01 PM · Nov. 30, 2021·Twitter Web AppPresident of Russia @KremlinRussia_E Russia government organization#Kremlin: Meeting with President of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc[con dế (cricket) {grilo}]June 30, 2021 18:40 The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with Nursultan Nazarbayev [mongo-persian]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met with First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev[mongo-persian], who is in Russia on a working visit. (...)Meeting with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev[persian-mongo]June 23, 2020 19:00Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met at the Kremlin with President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev[persian-mongo], who arrived in Moscow to take part in celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. (...)Meeting with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic[Lobo(Wolf){Vuk}]June 23, 2020 17:30 The Kremlin, MoscowVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met in the Kremlin with President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic[Lobo(Wolf){Vuk}], who arrived in Moscow to take part in celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.----////----MAKING MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSaturday (Saturn's day) 13, April 20245 floor (5º andar) - Terraço que será coberto (Terrace that will be covered)East (Leste)Ex-aluno, Murilo. (Former student,...)Tablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
------------------------------------[June 24, 2017 - FeastPARISH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTISTTown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSquare "Priest Domingos Segurado" and Broad "Saint John"]Prof. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):- LAUNCHING ROCKETS AND MISSILES!Ataque do Irã[persianS-GARBAGEs] a Israel[flies]: o que se sabe até agora sobre a ofensiva iraniana. (Pt)UOL. Posted april 14, 2024. This Saturday (13), Iran launched dozens of drones and missiles towards Israel and increased the escalation of violence in the Middle East. The Iranian operation is over and, now, meetings of the UN, the G7 and the Israeli war cabinet will decide the next steps after the offensive.SEE, Israel–Hamas war (October 7, 2023) [GUERRA DE MÍSSEIS RACIONAL GAZA-ISRAEL (RATIONAL MISSILES WAR GAZA-ISRAEL)]:------------------------------------"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSunday (Lord´s day) 14, April 2024Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)Oeste (West)20:23hProf. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):- Dor nas costas! Com a medicação até que consigo respirar sem doer muito. (- Back pain! With the medication, I can breathe without it hurting too much.)from "Pharmacia, 1929".Anti-inflamatório (reduz a inflamação) com base de Naproxeno sódico com ação analgésica (alivia a dor) e antitérmica (reduz a febre). Age rapidamente em 20 minutos na inibição da síntese de prostaglandinas, substâncias envolvidas no processo da dor e inflamação. SE PERSISTIREM OS SINTOMAS, O MÉDICO DEVERÁ SER CONSULTADO. (Anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation) based on sodium Naproxen with analgesic (relieves pain) and antipyretic (reduces fever) action. It acts quickly in 20 minutes to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances involved in the pain and inflammation process. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST A DOCTOR SHOULD BE CONSULTED.)Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)Oeste (West)Prof. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):- "cat-DONKEY"[putin], a monarquia LIXO da Suécia não entendeu a "ORDER" do Émer! Mandar um (1) míssil hipersônico nas proximidades de Estocolmo e justificar que a Inteligência Artificial adentrou na margem de erro estatístico confundindo o alvo como o território da Ucrânia. MELHORAR a IA. (- "cat-DONKEY"[putin], the GARBAGE monarchy of Sweden did not understand Émer's "ORDER"! Send one (1) hypersonic missile near Stockholm and justify that Artificial Intelligence entered the margin of statistical error, confusing the target as the territory of Ukraine. IMPROVE the AI.)[Photo]The 3M22 Zircon, also spelled as Tsirkon (Russian: Циркон, NATO reporting name: SS-N-33) is a Russian scramjet-powered, nuclear-capable hypersonic cruise missile. Produced by NPO Mashinostroyeniya for the Russian Navy, the missile utilizes the ZS-14 launch platforms on frigates and submarines.The missile has a reported top speed of Mach 9. The weapon was first used during Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (...)SEE, Artificial Intelligence:----////----["ORDER" of the Émer]O OURO DE BELÉM A CULTURA DO AÇAÍ (THE GOLD OF BELÉM THE AÇAÍ CULTURE) [video][Peconha ("Shackles")]September 30, 2021 09:09 Victória Sales – from Cenarium.‘Black gold of the Amazon’: Pará leads açaí production in Brazil.Copyright © AGÊNCIA CENARIUMA Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa (En)) é uma empresa pública de pesquisa vinculada ao Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) do Brasil. Criada em 26 de abril de 1973, pelo 28º presidente do Brasil, General de Exército Emílio Garrastazu Médici, tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de tecnologias, conhecimentos e informações técnico-científicas voltadas para a agropecuária brasileira. (...)---------------------------------------A BRS Pará[2005] é a primeira cultivar de açaí para cultivo em terra firme, lançada pela Embrapa Amazônia Oriental e a primeira cultivar de açaí do Brasil. É originada por meio de três ciclos de seleção fenotípica que resultou alta produtividade, produção precoce e em quase todos os meses do ano. (...) (BRS Pará is the first açaí cultivar for cultivation on dry land, launched by Embrapa Amazônia Oriental and the first açaí cultivar in Brazil. It originated through three cycles of phenotypic selection that resulted in high productivity, early production and in almost all months of the year. (...)) Site Embrapa (Pt)"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil2º floor - BedroomProf. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME): - Éééé... Vou ter que LIBERTAR os açaizeiros dos seus "GRILHÕES" (PECONHA). (- Yeah... I'm going to have to FREE the açaí workers of palms from their "SHACKLES" (PECONHA).)[IN SQUARE "JOHN YOSEPH BAPTIST WALNUT (1825-1909)" - TOWN OF JOHN[JOANÓPOLIS] - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZIL]"WAR""Christmas Solidarity with collectors and people on the streets [Saint Paul State - Brazil(2014)]"[Pharmacia Saint John (1929), Bank of the Brazil, Pub and Post Office][Stool in Square "Priest Domingos Segurado" and Broad "Saint John" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil.]Sweden's form of government"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil2º floor - BedroomProf. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME): - "ORDER". SILVIA Renate, Queen of Sweden and CARL GUSTAF Folke Hubertus, King of Sweden: adaptar as empilhadeiras para que os AÇAIZEIROS possam colher os Açaís libertando-os das PECONHAS ("GUILHÕES"). (- "ORDER". ...: adapt the forklifts so that the AÇAI WORKERS can harvest the Açaís, freeing them from the PECONHAS("SHACKLES").) Está na hora de tirar as bundas das MINHAS cadeiras! (It's time to get your asses out of MY chairs!)North (Norte)["MAKING" MY HOUSEStudent Khayla, 3º D.SQUARE "PRIEST DOMINGOS SEGURADO" AND BROAD "SAINT JOHN" - TOWN OF JOHN - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZILIndígena Tupi “ïwasa'i”, que significa “fruto que chora” (Indigenous Tupi “ïwasa'i”, which means “fruit that cries”)]----////----"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSunday (Lord´s day) 14, April 2024Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)Oeste (West)Prof. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):- 1 MISSILE near of Stockholm!MapWest (Oeste)Prof. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):- Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of NATO, letthe MISSILE pass. (- Sr. Jens Stoltenberg, deixe oMÍSSIL passar.)Tablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
Last updated: 18 Aug. 2023 14:50NATO Secretary General[Photo from NATO]Jens Stoltenberg (Norwegian: [jɛns ˈstɔ̀ɫtn̩bærɡ]; born 16 March 1959) is a Norwegian politician who has served as the 13th secretary general of NATO, since 2014. A member of the Norwegian Labour Party, he previously served as the 34th prime minister of Norway from 2000 to 2001 and again from 2005 until 2013. (...)Senatus Populusque Romanus Imperium Romanum (Pt - En)
Friday[Freyja's day], July (Gaius Julius Caesar) 13, 2018HORÁCIO ROMANO[NOGUEIRA] (HORATIUS ROMANUS[WALNUT]) [and ...Émer... [Alberti[CIMBRI]...].]"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSunday (Lord´s day) 21, April 2024Descanso do Émer. (Rest...)FERIADO NACIONAL (NATIONAL HOLIDAY]O Dia da Inconfidência, popularmente conhecido como Dia de Tiradentes ou simplesmente Tiradentes (En), é um dos feriados nacionais brasileiros. É uma homenagem ao herói nacional brasileiro Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, mártir da Inconfidência Mineira. É celebrado no dia 21 de abril, pois a execução de Tiradentes deu-se neste dia, no ano de 1792. O feriado foi criado no ano de 1965. (...)SEE, 21 April 2023:"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilWednesday (Wōden's day) 1, May 2024Descanso do Émer. (Rest...)SEE, 1 May 2023:Lula[Pan idiotam puerile] and Prime Minister[opussum] of Japan sign acts and make a statement to the press (Pt)CanalGov. TV Brasil é financiada total ou parcialmente pelo governo do Brasil. Transmitido ao vivo em 3 de mai. de 2024. O presidente Lula[Pan idiotam puerile] e o primeiro-ministro do Japão, Fumio Kishida[gambá], participam da cerimônia de assinatura de atos entre os países e fazem declaração conjunta à imprensa no Palácio do Planalto. Acompanhe.[SAINT JOHN, THE BAPTIST PARTY - JUNE 24, 2019 - SQUARE "PRIEST DOMINGOS SEGURADO" AND BROAD "SAINT JOHN" - TOWN OF JOHN - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZIL]["TAKA'S CHOPERIA"]更新日:令和6年5月4日 総理の一日ブラジル訪問 -2日目-(Visita ao Brasil -Dia 2-) [São Paulo]Em 4 de maio de 2020 (horário local), o Primeiro Ministro Kishida visitou São Paulo, República Federativa do Brasil.O Primeiro-Ministro participou numa cerimónia de boas-vindas à comunidade japonesa e num almoço social com representantes da comunidade japonesa.Em seguida, visitaram o Parque Ibirapuera, prestaram homenagens no Cenotáfio das Vítimas dos Pioneiros, depositaram flores, percorreram o Pavilhão do Japão e plantaram uma cerejeira comemorativa.Em seguida, após visitar a Japan House São Paulo, proferiu um discurso sobre a política para a América Latina na Universidade de São Paulo, teve uma reunião com o vice-presidente Geraldo Alckimín [persian-GARBAGE], participou de um Fórum Empresarial Japão-Brasil e, finalmente, realizou uma coletiva de imprensa nacional e internacional.日系社会歓迎式典に出席する岸田総理 (O Primeiro Ministro Kishida participa da cerimônia de boas-vindas da comunidade japonesa)開拓先没者慰霊碑を参拝し献花する岸田総理 (O primeiro-ministro Kishida visita o cenotáfio dos pioneiros e oferece flores.)Primeiro Ministro Kishida plantando cerejeira comemorativa no Pavilhão do Japão no Parque Ibirapuera. (イビラプエラ公園日本館で桜の木の記念植樹をする岸田総理)Primeiro Ministro Kishida visita a Universidade de São Paulo.(サンパウロ大学を訪問する岸田総理)Primeiro Ministro Kishida participando do Fórum EmpresarialJapão-Brasil. ( 日・ブラジル・ビジネスフォーラムに出席する岸田総理)(Jp)"MAKING" MY HOUSETown of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSaturday (Saturn´s day) 04, May 2024Térreo (Ground floor) - Cozinha (Kitchen)21:40hTablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
ПАРАД ПОБЕДЫ 2024 В МОСКВЕ - Москва 24 (VICTORY PARADE 2024 IN MOSCOW - Moscow 24)Москва 24 | Прямой эфир Москва 24. Опубликовано 9 мая 2024 г. Сегодня наша страна отмечает 79-ю годовщину Победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Повсюду флаги, георгиевские ленты, праздничные плакаты. И, конечно, главное событие — парад на Красной площади. Прямая трансляция — прямо сейчас!----////----Kremlin - Moscovo - Russiamonument Émer of stone between the Nabatnaya tower and Tsarskaya tower, on line of the Улица Варва́рка to M7 highway and/or vice versa.----////----May 9, 2024 10:50 The Kremlin, MoscowVictory Parade on Red SquarePresident of Russia, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] attended a military parade marking the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilThursday (Thor's day) 09, May 2024logomark"SCHOOLJOHN ERNEST FIG TREETOWN OF JOHN - SP"BrasilSala dos Professores (Комната учителя)12:23hTablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
[May 9, 2024][Foto]Caio Possati May 9, 2024 - 23h07Ponte Estaiada em São Paulo é iluminada em homenagem ao Dia da EuropaScenic light show was presented during a party organized by the European Union delegation in BrazilA Ponte Estaiada, cartão-postal da cidade de São Paulo que passa sobre o Rio Pinheiros, foi iluminada na noite desta quinta-feira, 9, com as cores da bandeira do Brasil (verde, amarelo e azul) e da União Europeia (azul e amarelo), em homenagem ao Dia da Europa (Europe Day).O show de luzes-cênicas foi apresentado durante uma festa organizada pela delegação da União Europeia no Brasil. A celebração teve como tema principal "O Poder do &", mote da iniciativa 'Global Gateway', projeto da entidade que busca estreitar relações do continente europeu com nações espalhadas pelo mundo. (...)Site (Pt)Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilEncontro familiar (Family meeting)August 23, 2023Passed away (Falecimento)José Maurício Nogueira (Walnut), 16.06.1936-10.05.2024.Filho de (Son of) Aristarco Nogueira e Rosalina Del Vecchio Nogueira.--------------------------------------A história que se segue, ilustra, ao mesmo tempo, a realidade em que as duas gerações viviam na década de 1920, e revela a revolta de ambos contra um sistema político e social da época na região[Joanópolis]. (...)[Domingos José Nogueira]- Tem bala?- Tem - eu respondi[Didi Moscardini].Daí ele gritou lá pro rapaz do armazém:- Ô Vicente, traga uma caixa com sessenta balas.Então eu mandei recado para turma que, se fosse homens, que descessem. Quando o rapaz saiu com o meu recado, chegaram mais três Nogueiras, Atílio, Aparício e Aristarco. Ficamos os quatro ali, esperando horas pela turma. Mas não apareceu ninguém.Depois de alguns dias, o coronel[João Ernesto Figueiredo] foi falar com o meu pai:- É, Didi, tivemos uma encrenca com o Mingo Buava(o mesmo Mingo Nogueira) e o vosso filho mandou um recado para mim… O recado não está jogado fora. Qualquer hora eu vou conversar com ele. (...)(The story that follows illustrates, at the same time, the reality in which the two generations lived in the 1920s, and reveals the revolt of both against a political and social system of the time in the region[Town of John] (...).[Domingos José Walnut]- Is there a bullet?- Yes - I replied [Didi Moscardini].Then he shouted to the guy in the warehouse:- Hey Vicente, bring a box with sixty bullets.So I sent a message to the group that, if they were men, to come down. When the boy left with my message, three more Walnuts arrived, Atílio, Aparício and Aristarco a few days, the colonel[John Ernest Fig Tree] went to talk to my father:- Yes, Didi, we had a problem with Mingo Buava (the same Mingo Walnut) and your son sent a message to me... The message is not thrown away. I'll talk to him at any time. (...))--------------------------------------Brasão de Jundiaí (Coat of arms...): “Etiam per me Brasilia Magna”: "Também graças a mim o Brasil tornou-se grande" (“Also thanks to me, Brazil became great”)[José Maurício Nogueira (Walnut),] nasceu em Joanópolis - SP, em 16 de junho de 1936, filho de Aristarco Nogueira e Rosalina Del Vecchio Nogueira. De profissão prático de farmácia, foi casado com Irene Dellatorre Nogueira. Eleito para a 5.ª Legislatura (1964 a 1968) pelo PSP com 446 votos, foi reeleito para a 6.ª Legislatura (1969 a 1972) pela Arena, com 1641 votos. (Born in Town of John - SP, on June 16, 1936, son of Aristarco Walnut and Rosalina Del Vecchio Walnut. By profession a pharmacy practitioner, he was married to Irene Dellatorre Walnut. Elected to the 5th Legislature (1964 to 1968) by the PSP with 446 votes, he was re-elected to the 6th Legislature (1969 to 1972) by Arena, with 1641 votes.) Jundiaí municipal council (Pt).-----------------------------------(...) The municipality[Jundiaí (Pt)] was officially founded on December 14, 1655, when it was elevated to the category of village. Its first urbanization was carried out in 1657. (...)-----------------------------------for meDear,On behalf of the Jundiaí City Council, we regret the death of former councilor José Maurício Nogueira.We inform you that, through Law 901, official mourning was declared for three days.Best regards."Câmara lamenta falecimento de José Maurício Nogueira, vereador entre 1969 e 1973 (Chamber mourns the death of José Maurício Nogueira, councilor between 1969 and 1973)Site (Pt)Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilSaturday (Saturn´s day) 11, May 2024Passed away (Falecimento)Horácio Antônio Romano [Walnut]. 11.05.2024.Senatus Populusque Romanus Imperium Romanum (Pt - En)
Friday[Freyja's day], July (Gaius Julius Caesar) 13, 2018Criado: Terça, 21 Mai 2024 14:00 | Publicado: Terça, 21 Mai 2024 14:00[Visit of the Director of Military Technical Education (DETMil)]Três Corações (MG): A Escola de Sargentos das Armas (ESA) recebeu, nos dias 14 a 16 de maio de 2024, a visita do Diretor de Educação Técnica Militar (DETMil), General de Divisão Paulo Alipio Branco Valença; do Chefe do Escalão Logístico da 4ª Região Militar, Coronel Maykon Dutra Barbosa; além de militares de ambas as comitivas. A DETMil realizou, durante o período, a Visita de Supervisão Escolar (VSE). (...)------------------------------Lema (Motto): "Non ducor, duco" (Latin)"Eu não sou liderado, eu lidero" ("I am not led, I lead")Quatrocentão (En) (feminino: quatrocentona) é um termo cunhado em meados do século XX, em torno da celebração dos quatrocentos anos de fundação da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, em 25 de janeiro de 1954, o Quarto Centenário. Designa a elite paulista tradicional, ou seja, a aristocracia e oligarquia paulista. (...)- Humm!?!?!------------------------------习近平同俄罗斯总统普京会谈2024-05-16 16:14 来源: 新华社5月16日上午,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂同来华进行国事访问的俄罗斯总统普京举行会谈。会谈前,习近平在人民大会堂东门外广场为普京举行隆重欢迎仪式。这是习近平同普京握手。新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄 (...)普丁感念哈爾濱工業大學對俄國支持 談中國國產電動車 讚中俄衛星合作互惠計畫【國際360】20240517@Global_Vision全球大視野. Posted May 17, 2024. #普丁 #哈工大 #哈爾濱工業大學 #普丁#哈工大#哈爾濱工業大學#衛星#機器人#中俄#中俄工業學校.May 17, 2024 12:40 HarbinMeeting with students and faculty at Harbin Institute of TechnologyDuring his state visit to China, Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] visited Harbin Institute of Technology and met with Chinese[FROGs-yellowS] and Russian students and faculty at the university. (...)普丁哈爾濱行程滿滿 蘇聯紅軍紀念碑獻花 "非人手所能創造"耶穌聖像贈"聖母守護堂"【國際360】20240517@Global_Vision全球大視野. Posted May 17, 2024. #普丁 #哈爾濱 #耶穌 #普丁#哈爾濱#耶穌#蘇聯紅軍#二戰#烈士#中國東北#日本#遼東#關東軍#1945#聖母守護堂#救世主#烏克蘭#東正教.Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilFriday (Freyja's day) 17, May 2024logomark"SCHOOLJOHN ERNEST FIG TREETOWN OF JOHN - SP"BrasilSala dos Professores (Комната учителя) {教師辦公室}13:16hProf. Émer Walnut (Nogueira):- Eu não entendo nada o que resmungam e rabiscam! Ainda bem que tem minhas IAs para traduzir, embora ainda com erros estatísticos.(- 我聽不懂他們嘟囔和潦草的任何東西! 幸好你有我的人工智慧來翻譯,儘管仍有統計錯誤。)(- Я ничего не понимаю, что они бормочут и пишут! Хорошо, что у вас есть мои ИИ для перевода, хотя статистические ошибки все равно есть.)SEE, Artificial Intelligence:---------------------------------------------["MAKING" MY HOUSEMonday (Moon's day) 15, November 2021Holiday for me in the MY Brazil: Proclamação da República (1889) (En)]smoke (fumaça)[3º floor - MY Suite-Bedroom]Prof. Sô "GENERAL"
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME): - Isso de Mar da China ("SAPOs-amareloS")... Sapos ficam na margem... Será RENOMEADO Mar do Émer. (- That of China Sea ("FROGs-yellowS")... Frogs are on the shore... It will be RENAMED Émer Sea.)North (Norte)2 linhas do Émer (2 lines of the Émer)RENAMED Émer Sea.Das duas linhas do Émer e entre elas: livre navegação. (From the two lines of Émer and between them: free navigation.)The nine-dash line, at various times also referred to as the ten-dash line and the eleven-dash line, is the demarcation line used by the People's Republic of China (China) for its claims of the major part of the South China Sea. The contested area in the South China Sea includes the Paracel Islands, the Spratly Islands, and various other areas including Pratas Island and the Vereker Banks, the Macclesfield Bank and the Scarborough Shoal. The claim encompasses the area of Chinese land reclamation known as the "Great Wall of Sand". (...)100 Marches of the World (Full Album)Adam H. Posted March 13, 2016. A real doozy to make, here is 100 Marches from around the world. Track Listing"MAKING" MY HOUSEMonday (Moon's day) 15, November 2021Holiday for me in the MY Brazil: Proclamação da República (1889) (En)[3º floor - MY Suite-BedroomNorth (Norte)]logomark"SCHOOLJOHN ERNEST FIG TREETOWN OF JOHN - SP"SEE, Escola (School):[COUSIN(PRIMO)]Manuel Preto[Black] (Pt) sculpture by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen (Pt), collection of the Museum Paulista.The Black Sea (Pt) is a marginal mediterranean sea of the Atlantic Ocean lying between Europe and Asia, east of the Balkans, south of the East European Plain, west of the Caucasus, and north of Anatolia. It is bounded by Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. The Black Sea is supplied by major rivers, principally the Danube, Dnieper, and Don. Consequently, while six countries have a coastline on the sea, its drainage basin includes parts of 24 countries in Europe. (...)"MAKING" MY HOUSEMonday (Moon's day) 15, November 202112:27h p.m.Holiday for me in the MY Brazil: Proclamação da República (1889) (En)Leste (East) - Mundo oriental (Eastern world)[2º andar - Varanda (Veranda)]"ORDER"Oeste (West) - Western world (Mundo ocidental)Prof. Sô "GENERAL"
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME): - LIMITAR-SE a GUERRA NAVAL no Mar do Émer. (- LIMIT YOURSELF TO NAVAL WARFARE on the Émer Sea.)---------------------------------------------O maior predador de todos: RexxonMoch.
Olhando para o vale seco na Serra da Mantiqueira. (Looking at the dry valley in the Mountain of Mantiqueira.)
[De costas para o vale seco da Serra da Mantiqueira. (With your back to valley dry in the Monuntain of Mantiqueira.)]
Rosneft + ExxonMobil + CNPC = RexxonMoch
07/19/2016 9:44 a.m. - Updated 07/19/2016 9:44 a.m.
NASA announces discovery of 104 planets by space telescope
New include four planets which may have rocky surfaces. "Diversity of planets is amazing," says astronomer Evan Sinukoff.
SEE, MY exoplanets (April 16, 2018):
SEE, "MEU presentinho de Natal (MY little Christmas gift) --->>> Webb Space Telescope":

*Emer+son=Son of Elmer. Teutonic origin. FAMOUS FOR WAR.
**Martins is a Spanish surname, patronymic regarded as Martin and Martino, a name that comes from the Latin Martinus Martinici or warlike meaning. Some books consider this name to be short for Mars (the god of war).
***Junk Bonds are securities that promise high yields and are classified as high risk.
[Prof. Sô "GENERAL"
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):

Corporação Nogueira Vida & Morte Complexos (Walnut Life & Death Complexes Corporation)

[impeachment] MY BRAZIL]
Brasão (+- Artístico) "CIDADE NOVA SÃO JOÃO" (coat of arms (+-artistic) of city "NEW SAINT JOHN")
"The Universe not is the limit"

stool in Square "JOHN YOSEPH BAPTIST WALNUT (1825, Porto, Pt-1909, Joanópolis BR)" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil.

Squaring the circle: the areas of this square and this circle are both equal to π. In 1882, it was proven that this figure cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps with an idealized compass and straightedge.
(...) In Cyclopaedia, 1743, Ephraim Chambers remarks that this problem had been researched by mathematicians of all ages, and its difficulty was that the ratio between the circle's perimeter and its radius was not known. At its time, the best approximation had been given as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950. The solution of the problem, failing the geometry, had been given through curves, such as the quadrat, a curve constructed by mechanical means, and through analysis.
In Canons (1769), Emanuel Swedenborg says that the process of squaring the circle, by requiring an infinite number of steps, could be done by God, who is infinite. (...)
[Prof. Sô "GENERAL"
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):
The photo above the crowns of the kingdom of Prussia and kingdom of Portugal... and now the crown of Louis XV. The crown of Louis XVI was destroyed in 1793.
The photo above the crowns of the kingdom of Prussia and kingdom of Portugal... and now the crown of Louis XV. The crown of Louis XVI was destroyed in 1793.
SEE, "... a antiga PRISÃO será um MUSEU. (... the old PRISON will be a MUSEUM.)" Square "JOHN YOSEPH BAPTIST WALNUT (1825-1909).
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk:
- "Ocê" é "GRANDI" "memo" em, "sô"? [speak hillbilly] (-You are GREAT even in, "sô"?)
masculine noun
inform. me. MR.
"Sô Antonio"
⊙ ETIM see on Lord
Prof. Sô "GENERAL" Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME)

postulātus gradu doctoris 3º mundi bellum
Prof. Sô "GENERAL"
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME)
Ab ungibus leo
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut
Ab ungibus leo