[O'clock Tower of the Church of St. John, the Baptist in Square "Priest Domingos Segurado" and Broad "Saint John" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil. Mark, in his Gospel, mentions that Jesus was crucified at the third hour (nine o'clock), as the Jewish time "Then they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting them luck, to see what would each . it was the third hour when they crucified him. " (Mark 15: 24-25) and the Gospel of John tells us that the sixth hour (noon) Jesus was still on trial "Now when Pilate said this, he brought Jesus out and sat in court in . Litóstrotos place called, in Hebrew the name is Gabbatha and it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he said unto the Jews, Behold your king. " (John 19: 13,14).
St. John the Baptist is an oil painting onwalnutwood by Leonardo da Vinci. Completed from 1513 to 1516, when the High Renaissance was metamorphosing into Mannerism, it is believed to be his final painting. The original size of the work was 69x57 cm. It is mered at theMusée du Louvrein Paris, France.
FilmImages. Posted May 1, 2017. On May 1, 1934, in Berlin, two million people gathered at the Tempelhof to listen to and celebrate Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Filmed on May 1, 1934. 2,000,000 people rally at Tempelhof Airport to celebrate May Day and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Fox Movietone Rushes. Archives marketed by Film Images (
May Day In Berlin (1936)
British Pathé. Posted April 13, 2014. Item title reads - May Day in Berlin. Holiday crowds addressed by Hitler. Germany. L/S of Adolf Hitler stood up in his car saluting as it drives past troops and crowds. L/S of the crowds as the cars drive through. L/S of Hitler speaking from a platform at the Pleasure Gardens. Aerial L/S of crowds. M/S profile as he speaks about fight for freedom. M/S pan across swastikas. M/S as he does nazi salute and shouts 'Seig Heil' along with the crowds. The German national anthem is played as the camera pans up maypole to swastika flags at top. FILM ID:881.3
May Day In Berlin (1939)
British Pathé. Posted April 13, 2014. Unused / unissued material - no paperwork - dates unclear or unknown. Berlin, Germany. CU large Nazi insignia painted on wall, pan up to swastika flags flying. GV massive stadium filled with people. Adolf Hitler arrives. Good shots of boys and girls in the crowd cheering and waving at the Fuhrer. Hitler's car passes ranks of lined up Nazi supporters. Hitler walks to the podium. More shots of cheering crowds. Pan around stadium - people spell out the words "Gross Deutschland". They stand and give a nazi salute as they sing a song.
Berlin and Potsdam 1945 - aftermath[consequências](HD 1080p color footage)
BERLIN CHANNEL. Posted April 4, May 2015. Selection of unique HD footage - partly unpublished. Subscribe to BERLIN CHANNEL: After the end of the Nazi regime and the unconditional surrender in May 1945, almost all bigger cities in Germany were destroyed. This film contains color footage of Berlin and Potsdam shortly later: aerial views of the completely destroyed capital, houses, where only the facades are left, rubble women who carry away the debris and start to rebuild even before their husbands are returned home, etc. Among others: Berlin Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate, Pariser Platz, Unter den Linden boulevard, Berliner Dom, Reich Chancellery, Alexanderplatz, the Reich Chancellery and the Fuehrerbunker, the Sports Palace, the Kurfürstendamm, Olympic Stadium, Berlin Victory Column, and many others. Production - KRONOS Media GmbH, Hamburg.
SEE, "monuments Émer of stone on MY cities of MY Germany.":
[(...) O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar e, na safra 2020/21, foi responsável pela produção de 654,5 milhões de toneladas destinados à produção de 41,2 milhões de toneladas de açúcar e 29,7 bilhões de litros de etanol. O Estado de São Paulo, que lidera a produção no país, respondeu por 54,1% da quantidade produzida na safra 2020/21, e foi responsável pela produção de 48,4% de etanol (14,3 bilhões de litros) e 63,2% do açúcar (26,0 milhões de toneladas). (...) Pt
((...) The Brazil is the world's largest producer of sugarcane and, in the 2020/21 harvest, it was responsible for the production of 654.5 million tons destined for the production of 41.2 million tons of sugar and 29.7 billion liters of ethanol. The State of São Paulo, which leads production in the country, accounted for 54.1% of the quantity produced in the 2020/21 harvest, and was responsible for the production of 48.4% of ethanol (14.3 billion liters) and 63 .2% of sugar (26.0 million tons).(...))]
- Se eu contar todos os MEUS PESADELOS são de rir e chorar! Rsrs (- If I tell all MY NIGHTMARES are to laugh and cry! Rsrs) (...)
Prof. Sô "GENERAL" ÉmerMartins[Monteiro]Walnut[Alberti]Junk(MY FULL NAME):
- Ontem, 13 de Abril, fez 8 anos de construção da MINHA CASA-GRANDE... com as MINHAS mãos na obra nos finais de semanas e feriados. (- Yesterday, the 13th of April, marked the 8th anniversary of the construction of MY GREAT-HOUSE... with MY hands at work on weekends and holidays.)
The Berghof (Pt) was Adolf Hitler's (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) vacation home in the Obersalzberg of the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany. Other than the Wolfsschanze ("Wolf's Lair"), his headquarters in East Prussia for the invasion of the Soviet Union, he spent more time here than anywhere else during his time as the Führer of Nazi Germany. It was also one of the most widely known of his headquarters, which were located throughout Europe. The Berghof was rebuilt and renamed in 1935 and was Hitler's vacation residence for ten years. It was damaged by British bombs in late April 1945, and again in early May by retreating SS troops, and it was looted after Allied troops reached the area. The Bavarian government demolished the burned shell in 1952. (...) A sprawling picture window could be lowered into the wall to give a sweeping, open-air view of the snow-capped mountains in Hitler's native Austria. (...)
Janela antes/depois (Windon before/after)
["FERIADO MONUMENTAL (MONUMENTAL HOLIDAY)8, 9 and 10[11, 12 and 13] [and 14] of June."
Vale seco na Serra da Mantiqueira entre Joanópolis SP e Extrema MG. (Dry valley in the Saw [mountain] of Mantiqueira between Town of John - Saint Paul State - and Extreme town - Mines General State.)
Publicado em 21 de nov de 2015. Dobramentos Antigos [Orogênese]: são as estruturas mais antigas, datadas do Pré-Cambriano [estende desde a formação da Terra cerca de 4,6 bilhões de anos atrás]. No Brasil, sendo originadas das faixas de dobramentos do ciclo brasiliano, são exemplos as serras Negra, da Canastra e da Mesa, e as serras da Mantiqueira e do Espinhaço. As rochas mais encontradas na região da serra da Mantiqueira são as rochasgraníticas, migmatitos e metamórficas e que são indicadores da antiguidade desta formação geológica.
(Former folds [Orogênese]: are the oldest structures, dating from the Precambrian [extends from the Earth's formation about 4.6 billion years ago]. In Brazil, it is originated from folding strips of brasiliano cycle, they are examples of the Black mountains, of Canastra and the Bureau, and the Saw [mountains] of Mantiqueira and Espinhaço. The more rocks found in the Mantiqueira mountain range in the region are granite rocks, migmatites and metamorphic rocks, which are indicators of this ancient geological formation.)
Tablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
Генеральная репетиция Парада Победы 2023! Пешие парадные колонны на Москворецкой набережной.
Зимняя Черешня. Posted May 7, 2023. [Dress rehearsal for the Victory Parade 2023! Walking parade columns on Moskvoretskaya embankment. / Ensaio geral para o Desfile da Vitória 2023! Caminhando em colunas de desfile no aterro de Moskvoretskaya.]
Azattyk. Posted Aug. 13, 2014. Сөзү акын Кыялбек Урмамбетовдуку, обону Азамат Отунчиев жана Мирлан Ниязовдордуку "Кыргыз бий" аттуу чыгарманы аткарган Султан Садыралиев.
- Vocês, mongos, são muito pobrezinhos como EU! Os MEUS cavalos que os fazem dançar assim. (- You, mongos, are very poor like ME! MY horses that make them dance like that.) {- Вы, монахи, очень бедны, как я! Менин аттарым аларды ушунчалык бийлешет. }
Super Kyrgyz folk song and dance - Kara Jorgo (Kyrgyz Musics)
Uzbek Music TV. Posted Jul 14, 2016.
monument Émer of stone
Ala-Too Square
on State Museum History
Photo of Ernis Temirkan (Dez. 2017) in MY Google Maps. (Here)
Na frente... (Ahead monument Epic of Manas.)... Nas costas (On the back...) monument Lenin.
South China Morning Post. Live stream performed 8 hours ago. Read more about Russia's Victory Day parade: [| Moscow Victory Day Parade | Russia[cats] Victory Day Celebrations. Russia[cats] Victory Day: Several political analysts believe President Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] will use his May 9 speech to draw parallels between the conflict in Ukraine and the heroism of Soviet soldiers during World War II. One of [cats]Russia’s most significant national holidays is merely days away. Celebrated annually on the 9th of May, Victory Day marks the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany during World War 2. But this year, the country’s celebrations are likely to take on a whole new meaning.]
February 24, 2022 17:00 [Peter, the Great room] The Kremlin, Moscow
Meeting with Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan[ہارن عظیم (Horn Great)Markhur]
Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met at the Kremlin with Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan[ہارن عظیم (Horn Great)Markhur], who is in Russia on a working visit.(...)
February 18, 2022 16:25 The Kremlin, Moscow
Russian-Belarusian talks
Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held a meeting with President of
the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko[cegonha, (stork),
{Бусел}] at the Kremlin. (...)
February 16, 2022 16:50 The Kremlin, Moscow
Talks with President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro[Thief, Suck-Ass and Gossip]
Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks in the Kremlin with President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro[Thief, Suck-Ass and Gossip], who is in Russia on an official visit.
December 16, 2021 14:50 The Kremlin, Moscow
Talks with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh[mongo]
Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks in the Kremlin with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh[mongo], who has come to Russia on a working visit.
4:01 PM · Nov. 30, 2021·Twitter Web App
President of Russia @KremlinRussia_E Russia government organization
#Kremlin: Meeting with President of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc[con dế (cricket) {grilo}]
June 30, 2021 18:40 The Kremlin, Moscow
Meeting with Nursultan Nazarbayev [mongo-persian]
Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met with First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev[mongo-persian], who is in Russia on a working visit. (...)
Meeting with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev[persian-mongo]
June 23, 2020 19:00
Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met at the Kremlin with President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev[persian-mongo], who arrived in Moscow to take part in celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. (...)
Meeting with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic[Lobo(Wolf){Vuk}]
June 23, 2020 17:30 The Kremlin, Moscow
Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met in the Kremlin with President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic[Lobo(Wolf){Vuk}], who arrived in Moscow to take part in celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Em breve o modelo Émer 3D será despachado para: 23, Ulitsa Ilyinka, 103132, Moscow, Russia. (Soon the Émer 3D model will be shipped to: 23, У́лица Ильи́нка, 103132, Moscow, Russia.)
Quaderna partida em azul e vermelho, nas cores heráldicas do Exército [Brasileiro], filetado de prata, representa a formação profissional dos praças, tendo ao centro uma estrela gironada de prata, representa os Estabelecimentos de Ensino. (Quad departure in blue and red, in the heraldic colors of the Army [Brazilian], fillet of silver, represents the professional formation of the squares, having to the center a star gironada of silver, represents the Establishments of Teaching.)
*Emer+son=Son of Elmer. Teutonic origin. FAMOUS FOR WAR.
**Martins is a Spanish surname, patronymic regarded as Martin and Martino, a name that comes from the Latin Martinus Martinici or warlike meaning. Some books consider this name to be short for Mars (the god of war).
***Junk Bondsare securities that promise high yields and are classified as high risk.
stool in Square "JOHN YOSEPH BAPTIST WALNUT (1825, Porto, Pt-1909, Joanópolis BR)" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil.
Squaring the circle: the areas of this square and this circle are both equal to π. In 1882, it was proven that this figure cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps with an idealized compass and straightedge.
(...) In Cyclopaedia, 1743, Ephraim Chambers remarks that this problem had been researched by mathematicians of all ages, and its difficulty was that the ratio between the circle's perimeter and its radius was not known. At its time, the best approximation had been given as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950. The solution of the problem, failing the geometry, had been given through curves, such as the quadrat, a curve constructed by mechanical means, and through analysis.
In Canons (1769), Emanuel Swedenborg says that the process of squaring the circle, by requiring an infinite number of steps, could be done by God, who is infinite. (...)