[O'clock Tower of the Church of St. John, the Baptist in Square "Priest Domingos Segurado" and Broad "Saint John" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil. Mark, in his Gospel, mentions that Jesus was crucified at the third hour (nine o'clock), as the Jewish time "Then they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting them luck, to see what would each . it was the third hour when they crucified him. " (Mark 15: 24-25) and the Gospel of John tells us that the sixth hour (noon) Jesus was still on trial "Now when Pilate said this, he brought Jesus out and sat in court in . Litóstrotos place called, in Hebrew the name is Gabbatha and it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he said unto the Jews, Behold your king. " (John 19: 13,14).
[Exposição 1MULHERporM2 – A SEMENTE (Exhibition 1WOMANperM2 – THE SEED)
Museu Municipal Professora (Municipal Museum Teacher)Neide Rodrigues Gomes (✞ December 1, 2019)]
2º séries A e B. High School Saint Paul State "Colonel John Ernest Fig tree" - Town of John(Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil
[Seta vermelha:] "Você está aqui!" ([Red arrow:] "You are here!")
"The ExposureTOMORROW WILL BE ROOT brings a recovery of the historical importance of women through cultural, social and anthropological roots, worked on in a broad or personal way by the artists of the Collective 1WOMANperM2.
For its exhibition in Joanópolis, the Exhibition is being presented in an organic way, spread over 15 spectators' displacements and encouraging their physical and subjective movement.
We invite you to participate in this experience, photographing the WORKS LOCATION MAP beside and creating your own route to complete and experience this Exhibition.
All Messier objects, taken and compiled by an amateur astronomer
The Messier objects [M1 to the M110] are a set of 110 astronomical objects catalogued by the French astronomer Charles Messier in his Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des Amas d'Étoiles [Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters]. Because Messier was only interested in finding comets, he created a list of those non-comet objects that frustrated his hunt for them. The compilation of this list, in collaboration with his assistant Pierre Méchain, is known as the Messier catalogue. This catalogue of objects is one of the most famous lists of astronomical objects, and many Messier objects are still referenced by their Messier number. The catalogue includes most of the astronomical deep-sky objects that can easily be observed from Earth's Northern Hemisphere; many Messier objects are extremely popular targets for amateur astronomers. (...)
Sim, é Samba! March 9, 2018. Uma seleção de sambas de raiz que marcaram a história do samba pra você curtir à vontade! INSCREVA-SE EM NOSSO NOVO CANAL = e ative o sininho para receber os lançamentos.
A Rodovia Anhanguera[Anhanguera Highway] ou anteriormente denominada Via Anhanguera (SP-330) é uma rodoviabrasileira do estado de São Paulo, considerada uma das mais bem conservadas rodovias do país, classificando-se na segunda posição do ranking elaborado através de pesquisa rodoviária de 2013, realizada pela Confederação Nacional do Transporte. Faz parte do sistema BR-050, que liga Brasília a Santos. (...)
A Rodovia dos Bandeirantes (SP-348) [Bandeirantes Highway] é uma rodovia do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Ela é considerada uma das mais bem conservadas rodovias do país, classificando-se na primeira posição do ranking elaborado através de pesquisa rodoviária de 2013, realizada pela Confederação Nacional do Transporte. (...)
[DOMINGOS JOSÉ NOGUEIRA [NHÕ MINGO] (1852 - October 23, 1950) with ~ 1930 Chevrolet AD Universal no terreiro de secagem de café em Joanópolis SP. ( the coffee drying yard in Town of John.)
O Dia do aviador, 23 de outubro, recorda a data no ano 1906 que Santos Dumont voou pela primeira vez com seu 14 BIS, em Paris. Como forma de marcar e celebrar essa data, no Brasil, o dia foi declarado o Dia do Aviador. (Aviator's Day, October 23, recalls the date in 1906 that Santos Dumont flew for the first time with his 14 BIS, in Paris. As a way of marking and celebrating this date, in Brazil, the day was declared Aviator Day.)]
This monument is a symbol of the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, and the biggest monument of the city of São Paulo. The height of the monument is 72 meters (236 ft 3 in). The construction of the monument was started in 1947 and completed in 1970.
The obelisk is a project of the Italo-Brazilian sculptor Galileo Ugo Emendabili, who arrived at Brazil in 1923. The obelisk, made with pure travertinemarble, was inaugurated on July 9, 1955, one year after the inauguration of Ibirapuera Park. (...) costas para o Obelisco dos Heróis da Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932 e de frente para o monumento Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre. (...with his back to the Obelisk of the Heroes of the 1932 Constitutional Revolution and facing to Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre monument.)
Monumento Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre dentro do Parque do Ibirapuera (...monument inside of the Ibirapuera Park)
1932 - 1972 "
- Eu ainda não terminei o REBOCO nesta parede e ainda tem a outra parede... (- I still haven't finished the PLASTER on this wall and there's still the other wall...)
- ... cansa pra CARAMBA fazer o REBOCO na escada, "fio"! (- ... I'm tired for BLIMEY doing the PLASTER in the stairs, "son"!)
Tablet Samsung SM-T295 Galaxy Tab A 8" 16Gb 2019 black
O maior predador de todos: RexxonMoch.
(The biggest predator of all: RexxonMoch.)
Olhando para o vale seco na Serra da Mantiqueira. (Looking at the dry valley in the Mountain of Mantiqueira.)
[De costas para o vale seco da Serra da Mantiqueira. (With your back to valley dry in the Monuntain of Mantiqueira.)]
*Emer+son=Son of Elmer. Teutonic origin. FAMOUS FOR WAR.
**Martins is a Spanish surname, patronymic regarded as Martin and Martino, a name that comes from the Latin Martinus Martinici or warlike meaning. Some books consider this name to be short for Mars (the god of war).
***Junk Bondsare securities that promise high yields and are classified as high risk.
stool in Square "JOHN YOSEPH BAPTIST WALNUT (1825, Porto, Pt-1909, Joanópolis BR)" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil.
Squaring the circle: the areas of this square and this circle are both equal to π. In 1882, it was proven that this figure cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps with an idealized compass and straightedge.
(...) In Cyclopaedia, 1743, Ephraim Chambers remarks that this problem had been researched by mathematicians of all ages, and its difficulty was that the ratio between the circle's perimeter and its radius was not known. At its time, the best approximation had been given as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950. The solution of the problem, failing the geometry, had been given through curves, such as the quadrat, a curve constructed by mechanical means, and through analysis.
In Canons (1769), Emanuel Swedenborg says that the process of squaring the circle, by requiring an infinite number of steps, could be done by God, who is infinite. (...)