Mark, in his Gospel, mentions that Jesus was crucified at the third hour (nine o'clock), as the Jewish time "Then they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting them luck, to see what would each . it was the third hour when they crucified him. " (Mark 15: 24-25) and the Gospel of John tells us that the sixth hour (noon) Jesus was still on trial "Now when Pilate said this, he brought Jesus out and sat in court in . Litóstrotos place called, in Hebrew the name is Gabbatha and it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he said unto the Jews, Behold your king. " (John 19: 13,14).
2 February 2022, Holy Mass, World Day for Consecrated Life | Pope Francis[pullet-crazy]Vatican News. Posted February 2, 2022. From St. Peter's Basilica, Holy Mass presided over by Pope Francis[pullet-crazy], marking the XXVI World Day for Consecrated LifeÉmer's birthday - 02.02.1978 - 06:00h - Hospital e Maternidade Santa Helena - Rio Bom - Paraná - Brasil (Saint Helena Hospital and Maternity - Town Rio Bom - Paraná State - Brazil):Sunday [Lord's day], February 2, 2020.Saturday[Saturn's day], February 2, 2019.Friday[Freyja's day], February 2, 2018.Thurday[Thor's day], February 2, 2017.Presentation of Christ at the Temple (A Apresentação de Jesus no Templo) by Hans Holbein the Elder, 1500–01 (Kunsthalle Hamburg)TypeDate2 February (in churches using the Julian calendar, presently corresponds to Gregorian 15 February) 14 February (Armenian Apostolic Church)February 7, 2022 23:40 The Kremlin, MoscowTalks with President of France Emmanuel Macron[pato, duck, утка, canard]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron[pato, duck, утка, canard] at the Kremlin.[Wednesday] July [Gaius Julius Caesar] 14, 2021 12:10Greetings to President of France Emmanuel Macron[pato, duck, утка, canard] on French national holiday, Bastille DayVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] sent a message of greetings to President of France Emmanuel Macron[pato, duck, утка, canard] on the occasion of the French Republic's national holiday, Bastille Day. (...)[monument Émer de pierre Bassins du Champ de Mars (En) - Paris - France]The Eiffel Tower alone is valued at 434.66 billion euros. That's right, approximately 435 billion euros, making it the most expensive monument in Europe, far ahead of the others.Défilé du 14-Juillet: l'intégralité de la cérémonie sur les Champs-ÉlyséesBFMTV. Posted July 14, 2021. Après une année sans, Covid oblige, la France a renoué ce 14 juillet 2021 avec la tradition du défilé militaire à l'occasion de sa fête nationale. Des festivités présidées pour la dernière fois de son quinquennat par Emmanuel Macron [pato, duck, утка, canard].[EARTH OF WALNUTTown of John(Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - Brazil][Prof. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut [Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):- "MofaLequa... quequaqu...", eu não entendo quase nada o que esses "patos" RESMUNGAM! (- "MofaLequa... quequaqu..." I hardly understand what these "ducks" GRUMBLE!]monument Émer de Pierre au dessus de MA l'Arc de Triomphe de l'ÉtoileL'arc de triomphe de l’Étoile, souvent appelé simplement l'Arc de Triomphe, est un monument situé à Paris, en un point haut à la jonction des territoires des 8e, 16e et 17e arrondissements, notamment au sommet de l'avenue des Champs-Élysées et de l'avenue de la Grande-Armée, lesquelles constituent un grand axe est-ouest parisien partant de la pyramide du Louvre, passant par l'obélisque de La Concorde, l'Arc de Triomphe lui-même et se terminant au loin par l'Arche de la Défense. Sa construction, décidée par l'empereur Napoléon I, débute en 1806 et s'achève en 1836 sous le règne de Louis-Philippe. (...)
monument Émer of stone frontalis (facing front)tourner à droite, monument frontalis (turn right, monument frontalis) [volver a direita, monumento frontalis]Tuesday, July (Gaius Julius Caesar) 14, 2020Town of John (Joanópolis) - Saint Paul State - BrazilÉmer:- JE SUIS PEUR D'INJECTION!!! {- I AM AFRAID OF INJECTION!!!} ( - EU TENHO MEDO DE INJEÇÃO!!!) [- Я боюсь инъекций!!!]BANDSTAND IN SQUARE "PRIEST DOMINGOS SEGURADO" AND BROAD "SAINT JOHN" - TOWN OF JOHN[JOANÓPOLIS] - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZILQuaderna partida em azul e vermelho, nas cores heráldicas do Exército [Brasileiro], filetado de prata, representa a formação profissional dos praças, tendo ao centro uma estrela gironada de prata, representa os Estabelecimentos de Ensino. (Quad departure in blue and red, in the heraldic colors of the Army [Brazilian], fillet of silver, represents the professional formation of the squares, having to the center a star gironada of silver, represents the Establishments of Teaching.)
February 15, 2022 17:00 The Kremlin, MoscowTalks with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz[non-existent eagle]The President of Russia held talks with Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Olaf Scholz[non-existent eagle] in the Kremlin. The discussion focused on topical issues of the bilateral and international agenda, including the provision of long-term and legally binding security guarantees to the Russian Federation and the resolution of the intra-Ukrainian conflict.[BRAZILIAN INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATION (1822) - September 7, 2012. Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil]"CHOPPGERMÂNIA"[Square "Priest Domingos Segurado" and Broad "Saint John"]
February 16, 2022 16:50 The Kremlin, MoscowTalks with President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro[Thief, Suck-Ass and Gossip]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks in the Kremlin with President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro[Thief, Suck-Ass and Gossip], who is in Russia on an official visit.The agenda included various aspects of strengthening the Russian-Brazilian strategic partnership, expanding cooperation in trade, the economy, science, technology, culture and humanitarian sphere. The leaders also exchanged opinions on key international issues. (...)John Williams Greatest Hits Full Album 2021 - The Best Of John Williams Playlist Collection 2021Instrumental Music. Posted August 18, 2021.Juracy & Marcito - Monumento De Pedra [Stone Monument] (Pt)Pra Sempre Sertanejo III. Posted March 5, 2017. Ano: 1975 Composição: (Marlene P. Todarello/José Lopes). Acesse: monumentyou are witnessOf the vows of loveWhat I got to do to herstone monumentI know you keep a secretbecause next to youkissed this beingYou know that I sufferbecause i love her so muchAnd without her I don't know how to livestone monumentI wish I were youDon't think, don't cry, don't laughDon't have the heart to suffer"MAKING" MY HOUSEMonday (Moon's day) 15, November 202112:27h p.m.Holiday for me in the MY Brazil: Proclamação da República (1889) (En)Leste (East) - Mundo oriental (Eastern world)"ORDER"Oeste (West) - Western world (Mundo ocidental)Prof. Sô "GENERAL"
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME): - LIMITAR-SE a GUERRA NAVAL no Mar do Émer. (- LIMIT YOURSELF TO NAVAL WARFARE on the Émer Sea.)North (Norte)2 linhas do Émer (2 lines of the Émer)Trio parada dura "Homem de Pedra" [Trio hard stop "Stone Man"] (Pt)Super Caipira. Posted March 26, 2014.I was once a grain of sand everyone stepped on me Now I've decided to make a decision I am no longer a grain of sand, I have become a rough stone From stone I also transformed my heart. Of very hard stone I made my destiny forever Of steel I built my imagination The tears of my eyes I have poisoned forever To kill your pride and your betrayal. I'm a man of stone and I don't think about anything anymore It was my suffering that made me stay like this I don't love anyone else and I don't want to be loved And now like this I want to see who steps on me. Stone man who has no more compassion Has no soul has nothing neither love nor illusion And just like that silenced my suffering I am now a homeless statue in the open.["Sampa" - São Paulo capital - BrasilWednesday 24, March 2021]Avenida Pedro Alvares CabralObelisk of São Paulo (in Portuguese: Obelisco de São Paulo) or Obelisk of Ibirapuera (in Portuguese: Obelisco do Ibirapuera) is an obelisk in Ibirapuera Park in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.This monument is a symbol of the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, and the biggest monument of the city of São Paulo. The height of the monument is 72 meters (236 ft 3 in). The construction of the monument was started in 1947 and completed in 1970.
The obelisk is a project of the Italo-Brazilian sculptor Galileo Ugo Emendabili, who arrived at Brazil in 1923. The obelisk, made with pure travertine marble, was inaugurated on July 9, 1955, one year after the inauguration of Ibirapuera Park. (...)
monument Émer of stone...Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre costas para o Obelisco dos Heróis da Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932 e de frente para o monumento Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre. (...with his back to the Obelisk of the Heroes of the 1932 Constitutional Revolution and facing to Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre monument.)Monumento Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre dentro do Parque do Ibirapuera (...monument inside of the Ibirapuera Park)"FOR IBRAHIM NOBRE - THE TRIBUNETHE PAULIST PEOPLE1932 - 1972 "BANDSTAND IN SQUARE "PRIEST DOMINGOS SEGURADO" AND BROAD "SAINT JOHN" - TOWN OF JOHN[JOANÓPOLIS] - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZIL----////----February 18, 2022 16:25 The Kremlin, Moscow Russian-Belarusian talksVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held a meeting with President ofthe Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko[cegonha, (stork),{Бусел}] at the Kremlin. (...)----////----
December 16, 2021 14:50 The Kremlin, Moscow
Talks with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh[mongo]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] held talks in the Kremlin with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh[mongo], who has come to Russia on a working visit.4:01 PM · Nov. 30, 2021·Twitter Web AppPresident of Russia @KremlinRussia_E Russia government organization#Kremlin: Meeting with President of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc[con dế (cricket) {grilo}]June 30, 2021 18:40 The Kremlin, MoscowMeeting with Nursultan Nazarbayev [mongo-persian]Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met with First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev[mongo-persian], who is in Russia on a working visit. (...)Meeting with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev[persian-mongo]June 23, 2020 19:00Vladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met at the Kremlin with President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev[persian-mongo], who arrived in Moscow to take part in celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. (...)Meeting with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic[Lobo(Wolf){Vuk}]June 23, 2020 17:30 The Kremlin, MoscowVladimir Putin[cat-DONKEY] met in the Kremlin with President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic[Lobo(Wolf){Vuk}], who arrived in Moscow to take part in celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.----////----- "Abaixo" do Émer: estrela Polaris. (- "Below" of the Émer: Polaris star.)https://stellarium-web.orgPolar (En) (Polaris, α UMi, α Ursae Minoris, Alpha Ursae Minoris, comumente chamada de Estrela do Norte ou Estrela Polar) é a estrela mais brilhante da constelação da Ursa Menor, e situa-se aproximadamente no pólo norte celeste, daí recebendo seu nome. Por este motivo, ela permanece praticamente fixa no céu noturno, enquanto todas as outras estrelas parecem girar ao seu redor. A Estrela Polar tem sido usada, há séculos, como referência para orientação, tendo sido crucial, por exemplo, na navegação.
A chamada Estrela Polar fica a cerca de 434 anos-luz da Terra e corresponde, na verdade, a um conjunto de estrelas. A estrela principal deste conjunto, chamada de α UMi A, é uma gigante brilhante de seis massas solares F7 (II) ou supergigante (IB). Ela possui duas companheiras menores: α UMi B, uma estrela da sequência principal F3V de 1,5 massas solares orbitando a uma distância de 2 400 UA, e α UMi Ab, uma anã muito próxima com uma órbita de raio 18,5 UA. Há também duas outras estrelas mais distantes, α UMi C e α UMi D. A olho nu, no entanto, percebe-se o conjunto como uma única fonte luminosa.
Devido ao movimento de precessão dos equinócios, a Estrela Polar mudará a sua posição aparente no céu ao longo dos próximos milênios, deixando de ser de fato a estrela do "pólo norte"; e reassumirá, cerca de 25 800 anos depois, a sua posição atual.
Saturday (Saturn's day) 25, December 2021[Norte (North)]----////----O maior predador de todos: RexxonMoch.Olhando para o vale seco na Serra da Mantiqueira. (Looking at the dry valley in the Mountain of Mantiqueira.)[De costas para o vale seco da Serra da Mantiqueira. (With your back to valley dry in the Monuntain of Mantiqueira.)]Rosneft + ExxonMobil + CNPC = RexxonMoch
07/19/2016 9:44 a.m. - Updated 07/19/2016 9:44 a.m.NASA announces discovery of 104 planets by space telescopeNew include four planets which may have rocky surfaces. "Diversity of planets is amazing," says astronomer Evan Sinukoff.SEE, MY exoplanets (April 16, 2018):ÉMER* MARTINS** WALNUT JUNK*** IN THE BATHROOM OLD OF SLAVES BLACK- EARTH OF WALNUT*Emer+son=Son of Elmer. Teutonic origin. FAMOUS FOR WAR.**Martins is a Spanish surname, patronymic regarded as Martin and Martino, a name that comes from the Latin Martinus Martinici or warlike meaning. Some books consider this name to be short for Mars (the god of war).***Junk Bonds are securities that promise high yields and are classified as high risk.GREAT-HOUSE & SLAVE-QUARTERSTOWN OF JOHN - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZILEARTH OF WALNUT[Prof. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME): - A CASA é GRANDE! (- The GREAT-HOUSE!)]Corporação Nogueira Vida & Morte Complexos (Walnut Life & Death Complexes Corporation)"ORDER"CONSTRUCTION "NEW SAINT JOHN CITY" - SAINT PAUL STATE - BRAZIL.[impeachment] MY BRAZIL]OKAY"BRIDGE OF JOHN"]
Brasão (+- Artístico) "CIDADE NOVA SÃO JOÃO" (coat of arms (+-artistic) of city "NEW SAINT JOHN")[WAS I THAT DID! +- ARTISTIC.]"The Universe not is the limit"
stool in Square "JOHN YOSEPH BAPTIST WALNUT (1825, Porto, Pt-1909, Joanópolis BR)" - Town of John - Saint Paul State - Brazil.Squaring the circle: the areas of this square and this circle are both equal to π. In 1882, it was proven that this figure cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps with an idealized compass and straightedge.(...) In Cyclopaedia, 1743, Ephraim Chambers remarks that this problem had been researched by mathematicians of all ages, and its difficulty was that the ratio between the circle's perimeter and its radius was not known. At its time, the best approximation had been given as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950. The solution of the problem, failing the geometry, had been given through curves, such as the quadrat, a curve constructed by mechanical means, and through analysis.In Canons (1769), Emanuel Swedenborg says that the process of squaring the circle, by requiring an infinite number of steps, could be done by God, who is infinite. (...)[Prof. Sô "GENERAL"Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME):
The photo above the crowns of the kingdom of Prussia and kingdom of Portugal... and now the crown of Louis XV. The crown of Louis XVI was destroyed in 1793.SEE, "... a antiga PRISÃO será um MUSEU. (... the old PRISON will be a MUSEUM.)" Square "JOHN YOSEPH BAPTIST WALNUT (1825-1909).Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk: - "Ocê" é "GRANDI" "memo" em, "sô"? [speak hillbilly] (-You are GREAT even in, "sô"?)masculine nouninform. me. MR."Sô Antonio"Source⊙ ETIM see on LordMONUMENT ON THE MY LAWN SOUTH IN MY WHITE HOUSE.Prof. Sô "GENERAL" Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME)
Émer Martins [Monteiro] Walnut[Alberti] Junk (MY FULL NAME)